Fibroid Uterus in Pregnancy: Symptoms & Types

Fibroids are common growths of fibrous tissues and muscle fibers that grow within the uterus but are benign and harmless in nature. A fibroid uterus during pregnancy is commonly seen in some pregnant mothers and they can be found in approximately four percent of all pregnancies. These fibroid tumors during pregnancy are also referred to as leiomyomas, fibromyomas, and myomas.

Uterine fibroids during pregnancy can grow anywhere from a size of a pea to more than eight inches in diameter. Uterine fibroids tumors are believed to form due to enhanced estrogen levels.


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These tumors usually develop during pregnancy and grow extremely fast due to the added production of estrogen in the body during pregnancy.

It is believed that fibroids tumors usually shrink or disappear after menopause, once the body's estrogen production has ceased. Due to the effect of the estrogen on the woman's body, it is particularly advisable not to undergo treatment with estrogen containing medications.

Different Types of Uterine Fibroids During Pregnancy

There are a number of different types of uterine fibroids during pregnancy depending upon their location in the uterus:

  • Subserosal fibroid - Below the protective covering of the uterine surface.
  • Intramural fibroids - Inside the uterus.
  • Submucosal fibroids - Underneath the protective covering of the uterine hollow. Prominent submucosal fibroids have been linked to repeated fetal loss during pregnancy.
  • Pedunculated fibroids - The fibroid is associated with the uterus by a lengthy stalk or peduncle.

Symptoms of Fibroid Uterus During Pregnancy

Symptoms of fibroid uterus during pregnancy may include:

  • Experiencing a feeling of fullness or pressure in the lower abdominal cavity
  • Pelvic inflammation or botheration.

  • Constant discharge of urine.
  • Fecal impaction.
  • Abrupt, intense pain may take place if a pedunculated polyp distorts on its stem.
  • Heavy vaginal bleeding

In some cases, fibroids are removed during pregnancy especially during the first and the second trimesters of pregnancy; however removal of fibroids during pregnancy is undertaken if the pregnant mother is unresponsive to the prescribed medications. The types of fibroids that require surgery during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy usually are subserosal or pedunculated fibroids that cause intense pain. On the whole, most kinds of fibroids do not appear to change their size during pregnancy. Some women experience more than one type of uterine fibroid tumors and depending upon the size and the location of the tumors, doctors usually prescribe the best kind of treatment option without affecting the fetus. However in most cases obstetricians as well as gynecologists do not advise treatment for fibroids during pregnancy especially if there are no associated symptoms.

Fibroid Uterus In Pregnancy
Fibroid Uterus During Pregnancy
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