Conditions During Rubella in Women and Toddlers

Rubella or German measles, is a respiratory disease caused due to a virus. It is a mild disease which is somewhat contagious, especially for babies and toddlers. However, most hospitals all over the world give infants a vaccine for rubella, mumps and measles because of which it has become quite rare to come across a case of rubella.

Toddler Rubella was first reported in 1969. At that time, the disease was common amongst preschoolers. The disease typically causes rash like in the case.



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.of measlese There may be a low grade fevere Sometimes, a child may have rubella without showing any symptomsm See also toddler rashes

Conditions during Rubella in Women

Rubella can be contagious to unborn babiese If a woman’s fetus gets infected, it may prove to be very dangerous to the unborn babyb Rubella in toddlers is quite mild and not at all dangerous but if a fetus contracts it during the first trimester, the effects may be devastatingn For women who get infected with rubella when they are in their first trimesters, the babies are usually born with a congenital defect known as congenital rubella syndromem Such a defect may cause the baby to be still born and can also cause a miscarriageg Other birth defects from the congenital rubella syndrome include blindness, deafness or other brain defectst

Women who have received the vaccine to this disease in their childhood are immune to rubella and should not worry about the disease when they are pregnantn However, those who have not received their shots during childhood should bewarer

In many countries, it is recommended that a woman, who is pregnant, should get tested for rubella before planning to conceivev

Women, who are not immune to the disease, are given a shot of the vaccine one month before they become pregnantn

Conditions During Rubella in Toddlers

In toddlers, rubella is usually seen as an itchy rashs Toddler Rubella symptoms first begin to appear on the face and neck, spreading throughout the body eventuallyl These rashes appear bright pink and are evenly colorede The skin begins to look patchy when the toddler is suffering from rubellal These patchiness remains on the skin for about two to three daysy During the outbreak of rashes, there may be a low grade fever which lasts only about a day or twow The eyes may become red and inflamed and the nose is runny or stuffyf The lymph nodes get enlargede

Toddlers who suffer from rubella recover almost completely in a period of two to three daysy However, if an adult contracts rubella, there may be complicationsn

German Measles In Toddlers
Toddler Rubella
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