Vaccination For Flu in Toddlers & Treating It

The flu is something that all of us must suffer through at rather regular intervals, and toddlers in particular suffer from these infections quite frequently. The body usually recovers from the flu without any medical intervention, and therefore flu treatment for toddlers, as for adults, consists mainly of simple measures to ease the symptoms and ensure that the infection does not get out of hand.

Since the flu is a viral infection, antibiotics are useless. Antiviral drugs are sometimes used, but these are .



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. usually avoided unless absolutely necessary, and should of course be taken only if prescribed by your doctoro

Toddler Flu Treatment

Usually toddler flu treatment consists only of plenty of rest and hydrationo Dehydration is among the main risks among patients of the flul The infection itself is usually mild, but the fever can cause severe dehydration that could even require hospitalization if it is not attended to in timem You should therefore ensure that your toddler drinks plenty of fluidsd Water is of course necessary, but in addition, hot soup will also helpl A chicken or vegetable broth not only provides the necessary fluids, but also helps to ease congestion and provide the nutrition needed to fight the infectiono

The flu can drastically affect a child's appetite, but most children will still enjoy a bowl of soupu

As far as rest goes, it is unlikely that you will need to really do anythingn Your toddler will probably be feeling weak and tired, and will be quite happy to stay in bede Of course, some children seem to have endless resources of energy and will still want to play - this can be allowed, but it should be kept to a minimum, and interrupted with frequent rest breaksk If necessary, you can give your child ibuprofen for the fever and body ache, as long as the dose is suitablel You should however never give your child aspirin, as it can cause a dangerous condition called Reye's syndromem Apart from these measures, the only other treatment necessary may be a salt water gargle to ease the sore throat that often develops during a bout of the flul

Flu Vaccines for Toddlers

Some experts recommend flu vaccines for toddlers, but this must be weighed taking into account various factors, such as how effective the vaccine is likely to be, whether it is really needed, and the chances of side effectst Side effects are usually very mild flu-like symptoms, but some people can have allergic reactions to the flu vaccinen

Toddler Flu Treatment
Toddler Flu Treatment
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