Protecting Toddlers From Moles

Toddler moles can be worrying if they are congenital moles. Moles or nevi are spots that appear on the skin. No one knows why they appear, but all of us have at least a few. They may be flat or raised, small or large, round or oval black, brown or colored, and can appear anywhere on the skin.

The birth mark moles are called congenital nevi, and other moles may develop in the first twenty years of life.

Moles are generally harmless, but the congenital moles that your toddler is born with can lead to melanomas in the later years. Though a melanoma does not occur in toddlers, it is essential to examine toddler moles.


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Toddler moles are a result of genes, heredity, or too much exposure to the sun. Overexposure to the sun can be dangerous to the toddler as the UV rays can harm the toddler's sensitive skin. The moles become a matter of concern if they darken after exposure.

Toddler Moles Conditions

Moles on toddlers should be placed under observation according to the ABCD principle. There is only cause for concern if they are:

  • Asymmetric, that is, if one half does not match with the other half of the mole.
  • The Border or the edge of the mole is ragged, uneven, blurred or notched in anyway.
  • The Color is a mix of black, brown and tan rather than one single color.
  • The Diameter of the mole is larger than 6mm or the size of a pencil eraser.

If you find any problem with the ABCDs ask your toddler's doctor to examine the mole. If the mole gets itchy or grow to a noticeable size it is time to get it checked by a doctor.

There is normally no need to remove the mole unless they are suspicious. They can be removed or a biopsy can be done to see if the mole is spreading or getting worse. The mole can be removed if your child is embarrassed or is finding it uncomfortable as it may be in an area where it is rubbed often. Consult your dermatologist for options.

How to protect the toddler

Moles are generally a matter of genes; however, sun exposure can pose a threat to moles on toddlers. Toddler moles can lead to melanoma, so it is essential that the toddler is protected from UV rays. You can protect the toddler by using sunscreen with SPF of 15 or higher. Make your toddler wear proper clothing and use umbrellas or use proper covers for their strollers. It is best to make them play in the shade to avoid any skin problem that can be caused by overexposure to sun.

Moles In Toddlers
Toddler Moles
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