Various Conditions During Postpartum Endometritis & It's Causes

Endometritis is a condition in which the endometrial tissue is inflamed due to an infection. This condition is very distinct from the more famous endometriosis - a condition in which remnants of the endometrial tissue starts to grow again - sometimes back over the ovary - inevitably causing a cyst to form. Endometritis is either acute or chronic.

Acute endometritis is usually caused by an infection and extensive damage to the endometrium through repeated vaginal examinations, abortions, and delivery. Postpartum endometritis is a leading cause.



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Acute endometritis is characterized by the presence of neutrophil cells in the endometriumu Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that is amoeba like and travels through the blood stream until it comes close to the area of infection, moves out of the blood vessel, and to the tissue where it is required to fight infectiono

Conditions During Endometritis

Chronic endometritis is characterized by the presence of plasma cellsl This is more serious because of its association with tuberculosis, PID, and granulomasa Postpartum endometritis symptoms include pain, discharge in the acute form of the disease, amenorrhea even if after the period of nursing, and sometimes fevere Postpartum endometritis treatment is conducted through the use of antibiotics and by dealing with the underlying cause if it is a result of another disease like Chlamydiai

In women, Chlamydia is a silent killer because it can stay in the body for months and sometimes years in a state of inactivity but while is active will cause less visible symptomsm Because of the duration of the disease, endometritis is inevitablel

Causes for Endometritis

Endometritis is usually caused, in the postpartum scenario, because of a lack of proper care taken to avoid streptococcus and staphylococcus infections in the delivery areae It has to be remembered that these two bacteria are present on each and every inch of our skin and considering that delivery is the one time when the mother's insides are most exposed, care should be taken to keep everything sterilel With the increasing number of people opting for natural birth methods, including water births, the danger only multipliese This is because disinfecting procedures as they are carried out before major surgery are usually not practiced in a home environmentn The antibiotics that are used to treat the condition are gentamycin and clindamycin; both of which are administered immediatelyl

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