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Baby Feeding Problems Resolved
Ashley | November 13, 2009

Baby feeding problems can bring a great deal of stress to both the child and the parents. In some cases, it may be difficult to differentiate between normal feeding behavior and signs of a serious condition. Becoming aware of the common feeding problems that babies face will see all your baby feeding problems resolved. The gastrointestinal system of a baby is still underdeveloped, and as such some babies are not able to protect themselves from the allergens that are present in cow’s milk and formulas. As such when milk is consumed, it is perceived as a threat to the body and the response is an allergic reaction. This causes vomiting, gagging, colic or skin rash. Most children outgrow this allergy after the age of two. For infants with a milk allergy, milk proteins must be avoided and hypoallergenic formulas can be used instead.
Another common feeding problem is of gagging when eating solid foods. Many mothers find that the baby starts gagging immediately when solid food is placed in the mouth. This is because the baby doesn’t know how to cope with eating solid foods as it is something new to him. As such as the food moves to back of the child’s tongue and he gags to prevent it from entering the airway. This is a natural response of the body to prevent choking. This problem usually subsides gradually as the baby becomes used to solid foods. A related problem is gastroesophageal reflux in babies. The separating valve between the esophagus and the stomach is still undeveloped in babies and as such the food that passes into the stomach may not stay down. This causes the child to spit up the food through the mouth and nose. This problem can be resolved by feeding the baby smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. The child must also be burped after every five minutes while feeding. During feeding, place the baby in an upright position so as to aid in emptying the stomach.
A baby may refuses to eat lumpy solid foods, and this may cause slight weight loss, especially if intake of smoother textured food is withheld in an attempt to get him to eat the lumpy foods. You can try and resolve this problem by feeding the child on your lap. The closeness is reassuring to the child and he may be willing to experiment with the new food. Singing and smiling at the baby is encouraging and he is more likely to accept the food you give him. Praising the child when he accepts the food also ensures that he does it again. Babies enjoy mimicking others and watching you eat along with him, will cause him to imitate you. If the child is completely unwilling to accept solid foods or if the gagging occurs excessively, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
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