Feeding Baby Solids Amount and Guide

When your baby is about 4 to 6 months, you can start giving him/her solids. You can have a baby feeding solids schedule but do not expect your baby to follow it strictly.  You can start experimenting with foods they like. Start out slow with solids and allow the baby to taste and appreciate new flavors.

Baby Feeding Solids

Give attention to your baby’s signals. The baby will lean forwards to the spoon if she wants more. She might turn away from the spoon, keep the mouth shut, or cry if she does not need anymore.


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Baby Feeding Schedule

Do not force your child to have another mouthful and do not fret even if there still is food left in the bowl. Take cues from your baby and do not follow a chart strictly; be flexible.

Baby Feeding Solid Amount

Your baby will eat about 2 to 4 ounces of food per day. It may vary if you are breastfeeding the baby. Some babies may be breast fed until six months. While babies may eat 4 to 6 ounces per day, if you have just started solids, they may eat only 1 to 2 ounces. The food intake will slowly increase with age and growth. Create a menu based on what your child likes. Wait for 4 days to see if the baby tolerates the new food, and then follow a chart suitable for your baby. Each baby’s likes and eating patterns will differ.

Continue with nursing or formula milk until 12 months along with the solids given.

Baby Feeding Solid Guide

The guide to feeding baby solids is based on what the baby prefers. Along with breast milk or formula, the baby feeding guide can include oatmeal, cereal, mixed rice and cereal barley cereal, lentils, boiled potatoes, well cooked and mashed vegetables, and fruits such as avocado, bananas, apples, peaches, or pears. Make your own chart considering your baby’s preferences. Give different foods for lunch and dinner, and do not expect the child to eat adult proportions. Sometimes, the baby may not eat three meals per day; this
is normal.

If your baby does not like a certain menu do not force it down; instead, try something new. You may later go back to the original menu, depending on the changes in your baby’s likes and dislikes. Remember that your baby is growing up to be an individual, and so they tend make their own choices.

You can consult your pediatrician if you are concerned that your baby is not taking enough amounts of milk or solids.

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