How to Handle baby bottle feeding problems?

(June 9, 2010)

Baby Bottle Feeding Problems

Most mothers encounter bottle feeding problems while feeding their baby. These are generally minor problems that can be resolved quite easily with some adjustments. In case the problems become major concerns, it is advisable to discuss them with a doctor.

A bottle feeding problem that commonly occurs is that of air not entering the bottle. As the bay drinks the milk, air must enter in order to balance the pressure with the bottle. The air may enter either through holes at the end of the nipple or through the area around the nipple ring. In case the nipple ring is fixed too tightly to the bottle or the baby latches on to the hole of the nipple with his tongue, air will not be able to enter and feeding difficulties may arise. The problem can be resolved by adjusting the nipple ring until a steady flow of bubbles enters the bottle. Sometimes babies drink only small quantities of formula each time and need to be fed quite frequently. This is fine as long as the baby is consuming adequate formula during the day. But frequent feeding can be tiring for the mother. This also creates a problem during weaning. The baby must be encouraged to drink a bit more at each feeding session. If he stops sucking, allow the nipple to remain in his mouth until he resumes drinking. Each feeding session should last for around 45 minutes. Babies display involuntary and automatic responses known as reflexes. Sometimes when the baby displays a rooting or sucking reflex, it may be perceived as a sign of hunger. But the child many not necessarily be hungry and is likely to refuse the formula. Babies who do not feed properly will also not be able to sleep properly as the two are interconnected. Tiredness could result in fussiness or difficulties in feeding. If inadequate sleep is the problem, try to improve the child’s sleeping pattern. The feeding pattern should then automatically become easier.

Other baby bottle feeding problems include allergies to cow milk formula and baby reflux. In case of cow milk allergy, you could switch to a soy-based formula. The symptoms of an allergy include wheezing, coughing, diarrhea and eczema. Baby reflux or gastro esophageal reflux occurs when the contents of the stomach back up into the esophagus, throat and mouth. This is a common occurrence in babies as their bodies become accustomed to new foods.

Submitted by P T on June 9, 2010 at 11:29

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