Symptoms and Treatment for Motion Sickness In Toddlers

Motion sickness is a condition where people complaining of feeling queasy when they travel by car or bus. Motion sickness in toddlers occurs when the brain receives conflicting messages leading to a feeling of nausea.

This generally happens when the inner ears sends a signal to the brain indicating the car's movement, while the eyes are focused within the car and do not send signals of the car's movement. This condition does affect toddlers and you should look out for signs of queasiness when traveling.


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Symptoms of Motion Sickness in Toddlers

As mentioned earlier, this condition is caused by conflicting signals from the ears and eyes, therefore, both the ears and eyes can be made to send the same signal to the brain. You can do this by simply asking the child to focus on a point outside the car. Children enjoy playing games, so make use of this factor and play some car games with them, where they have to spot objects outside the car. Make sure that the child is not reading or playing a hand held video game as this causes the eyes to remain focused on a spot within the car, only aggravating the condition. Play some music in the car, make sure it is music that the child enjoys. This will reduce any boredom if all that the child is allowed to do is stare outside the car window. For toddler motion sickness, position the child's seat in such a way that the child can look outside with ease.

Treatment for Motion Sickness in Toddlers

Don't allow toddlers to sit in back-facing seats as these tend to make a person nauseous.

Some fresh air can considerably reduce the feeling of motion sickness. Roll down the car window and make sure no one is allowed to smoke inside the vehicle when there are children around. Try not to open snacks or foods that emit a strong odor. Some children feel better if they eat dry crackers, keep these handy when traveling with toddlers. Also, make sure that toddlers are not traveling on an empty stomach on the other hand, don't give the child greasy or difficult to digest foods. The person driving the car should be asked to drive at an even pace with the least amount of braking or swerving. Another good idea is to plan out frequent breaks while on a long car trip, to allow the child to move around a little.

Motion Sickness In Toddlers
Toddler Motion Sickness
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