Causes of Spontaneous Abortion

A spontaneous abortion, also known as a miscarriage is indicative of a pregnancy that is terminated before the embryo or fetus can survive. The World Health Organization defines this state as a fetus that weighs five hundred grams or less or is at a gestational stage of less than twenty two weeks.

Spontaneous abortions occur commonly before the thirteenth week of pregnancy and are estimated to occur in almost half the number of pregnancies world over.

Reasons for Spontaneous Miscarriages

Most miscarriages occur due to chromosomal problems that prevent the baby from developing.


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These are not caused by any genetic abnormalities in either of the parents. Other causes of spontaneous abortion include infections, hormonal problems, physical problems with the prospective mother’s genital organs, systemic diseases and diseases such as uncontrolled diabetes in the mother. The risk factor for spontaneous abortion is high in women over the age of thirty five and also if they have had previous miscarriages. More than half of the fertilized eggs are aborted before the women even realizes that she is pregnant and once they realize that they are pregnancy, the risk is further reduced to fifteen to twenty percent.  The first seven weeks of pregnancy are crucial as most miscarriages occur during that period although once the doctor has ascertained the baby’s heart beat, the chances of a spontaneous abortion are marginally lower.

Symptoms of Spontaneous Miscarriages

The symptoms of a spontaneous miscarriage involve abdominal pain or lower back pain that feels like a cramp, is dull or sharp, a clot or tissue that passes out of the vagina or even vaginal bleeding either with or without any abdominal cramps. It is necessary to call your health care provider immediately if any such symptoms are noticed.

A complication that can arise here is an infected abortion where occasionally a tissue from the placenta can remain in the uterus even after miscarriage. The symptoms of this condition include unstoppable vaginal bleeding, fever, cramps and vaginal discharge that smells foul. This will require immediate medical attention. Studies prove that most spontaneous abortions are caused by systemic diseases and if this is detected and treated before the mother becomes pregnant, miscarriages are less likely. Also the risk of a miscarriage can be reduced if the prospective mother receives sufficient prenatal care and if certain things like intake of alcohol, drug abuse, x-rays and caffeine intake are reduced. Infectious diseases will also have to be prevented and the woman should go on a high protein and vitamin diet to make her immune system strong enough to prevent miscarriages to some extent.

Causes Of Spontaneous Abortion
Causes Of Spontaneous Abortion
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