What Is Miscarriage In Pregnancy?

(November 30, 2010)

Many expectant mothers would like to ask the same the question – ‘What is miscarriage in pregnancy?’ A miscarriage or spontaneous abortion is a term used for spontaneous pregnancy loss occurring within the first 24 weeks of gestation with most taking place before the 13th week of gestation. It is one of the most adverse experiences in life as nothing can replace the loss of one’s own child. Facts state that as many as 15 to 20 percent of all known pregnancies end in miscarriage. Many miscarriages take place even before the expectant mother has realized that she is pregnant.

There are a number of symptoms of miscarriage during pregnancy. The main miscarriage symptom is vaginal bleeding along with the passage of tissue in the form of clots. Since menstrual bleeding ceases on successful implantation, any form of vaginal bleeding during the course of pregnancy could be an indicator of a complication that could result in pregnancy loss. If only bleeding occurs, it is called a threatened abortion and care must be taken to avoid exertion as it could result in pregnancy loss. Abdominal cramps similar to or more severe than those experienced during a menstrual period are also signs of a miscarriage. Lower back pain is another miscarriage indicator. Many women who miscarry also experience a loss of pregnancy signs like nausea, vomiting, aversions and cravings. This is caused by the drop in hCG levels that are responsible for them. A loss of breast tenderness is another miscarriage sign. At times, women do not experience any indication of a miscarriage in progress and the baby passes away within the womb itself. This is termed as a missed abortion.

Most miscarriages are caused because of genetic deformities in the developing baby and are usually accidents of nature. This happens due to an imbalance in the number of chromosomes contributed by the parents. It may also occur if siblings or relatives have genetic abnormalities. The human body works in miraculous ways and nature takes its course when it finds that the baby is not fit enough to face the world. Only 5 percent of such pregnancies reach full term. With the increasing stress levels, miscarriages are becoming very common. Changing lifestyle, overexertion and stress are the main factors that increase the risk of miscarriage in pregnancy. Irregular eating habits, insufficient exercise and the use of intoxicating substances also influence the chances of a miscarriage. Medical conditions like preeclampsia, diabetes, hypertension, thyroid problems, uterine fibroids and tumors and obesity could also be responsible for pregnancy loss.

Submitted by J on November 30, 2010 at 05:43

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