What Are The Signs Of Spontaneous Abortion

The term spontaneous abortion refers to the loss of a baby within the womb, up to the gestational age of 20 weeks. However, the term has not been accepted by most women because in such cases, the loss of the baby is not intentional but spontaneously caused due to various factors. Hence, the term miscarriage is more commonly used to indicate such a loss.

The main cause of miscarriage is genetic abnormalities in the baby caused by a chromosomal imbalance or a defective gene passed on by the parents. An inability of the embryo to embed itself in the uterine wall is another common cause of miscarriage. An unhealthy lifestyle and irregular, unwholesome meals also affect the status of a pregnancy.


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In addition, overexertion, stress and trauma as well as maternal health can also lead to miscarriages.

Spontaneous Abortion or Miscarriage Signs

Miscarriage or spontaneous abortion signs include bleeding, passing of clots, abdominal cramps and lower back pain. The first sign of miscarriage is usually light bleeding or brownish colored discharge. However, this may also be seen at the time of implantation and could be mistaken for a miscarriage. Some women also experience a negligible amount of bleeding throughout the first trimester. However, since bleeding could indicate a threatened abortion, consulting a gynecologist at the earliest is recommended.

In the case of a miscarriage, the bleeding gradually becomes heavier than a normal period and is usually accompanied by the passing of clots. If miscarriage occurs in the initial weeks of pregnancy, a small sac containing the underdeveloped baby may also be passed with the clots. Abdominal cramping is another symptom of spontaneous abortions as the uterus starts contracting to expel the baby and the placenta through the vaginal opening.

The uterine contractions lead to abdominal and lower back pain. As the miscarriage progresses, the connective tissues, holding the uterus in place, gradually relax and regain their normal state leading to pain in the lower torso. The severity and period of the pain and bleeding may vary from woman to woman. Sometimes the expectant mother may experience the passing of a watery discharge. This indicates a leak in the amniotic sac. If the sac does not seal itself, it can result in the death of the baby due to a lack of amniotic fluid essential for the development of the baby.

At times, women do not experience any physical signs of spontaneous abortion but often realize that something is wrong when they cease to experience pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness and tender breasts. In such cases, a medical checkup and ultrasound help in confirming the unexpected.

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