Home Blogs Reasons For Yellow Discharge After Miscarriage & Cure
Reasons For Yellow Discharge After Miscarriage & Cure

Many pregnant women who have miscarriages in the first trimester of pregnancy develop infections after the miscarriage. Although these infections can be treated, it is important to recognize the signs of the infection so that treatment can be started on time. Almost all women who miscarry experience a vaginal discharge after miscarriage. However if there is yellow discharge after miscarriage accompanied by foul odor, it could definitely indicate an infection. Vaginal infections like candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis can result in a woman getting yellow discharge after miscarriage. Candidiasis also known as thrush is a yeast infection which occurs in the vaginal region. It could be caused due to pregnancy, certain antibiotics, perfumed soaps and hygiene sprays or even wearing tight underwear. Therefore a yellow discharge after miscarriage now indicates that a woman needs immediate treatment to cure the infection and prevent other health problems. Bacterial vaginosis can also cause vaginal discharge after a miscarriage. This infection is caused by the Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria which thrive in the vagina. This discharge generally has a fishy odor and may be yellowish or grayish in color. Bacterial vaginosis is normally associated with pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis after a miscarriage. Therefore if you have yellow discharge after miscarriage, it is advisable to consult the doctor immediately for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Some women also get a brown discharge after miscarriage due to factors like internal bleeding. The physical trauma of a miscarriage can result in internal bleeding causing a brown discharge after miscarriage. After a miscarriage, the tissues in the uterus repair and rejuvenate themselves and the older tissues get eliminated from the body along with blood from the internal uterine injuries. Blood clots tend to get removed from the vaginal tract through this brown discharge after a miscarriage. Once all the unwanted tissues and blood get eliminated from the body, this brown discharge stops on its own. However, if this discharge continues for a prolonged period and is accompanied by chronic pain, it is best to get it checked by a gynecologist without further delay. On the other hand leucorrhea or a white discharge after miscarriage is generally considered normal but if it is accompanied by foul odor, vaginal irritation or itching, bleeding or painful urination, it could indicate an infection. Therefore any abnormal discharge after a miscarriage must be immediately reported to the doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
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