What are the Causes & Treatment For Placental Abruption in First Trimester

Placental abruption refers to a condition in which normally implanted placenta separates itself from the uterus. The placenta contains a number of blood vessels that aid in the transfer of nutrients from mother to child. If the placenta separates before delivery it can hinder the supply of nutrients and oxygen from mother to child.

The more the detachment the more the bleeding as the blood vessels rupture and this condition occurs once in every 100-120 births. The risk factors for placental abruption in the first trimester include smoking, drug.



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.abuse, alcoholism, chronic diabetes, malnutrition, acute hypertension, placental abruptions during earlier pregnancies, frequent multiple pregnancies, and a rupture of the membranes when pretermr

Causes of Placental Abruption in First Trimester

They could also be caused by direct trauma to the uterus in case of an accident or domestic physical abuses In rare cases it can cause severe hemorrhage, complications involving blood clotting, shock, stillbirths, damage to the kidney and brain due to poor blood flow and hemorrhage after deliveryr This condition is symptomized by abdominal spasms or pain accompanied by vaginal bleeding, uterine contractions that do not cease, nausea, dizziness, abnormal thirst, a sore and rigid uterus, blood in the amniotic fluid and decreased movements of the fetusu

Treatment for Placental Abruption in First Trimester

There is no particular cure for this condition, only a few preventive measurese Make sure to consume a healthy nutritious diet with enough iron supplements from spinach and other greensn Drink 6-7 liters of water a day to flush out the toxins and to keep your body healthy and hydratede An early diagnosis of diabetes and hypertension (which if unchecked can lead to a condition called preeclampsia) is likely to decrease chances of placental abruption in the first trimestere

Try to avoid vigorous activity, strenuous exercise and stressful situations as much as possiblel The mother is usually advised complete bed rest and transfusions will have to be given in case of severe blood losss The condition is serious and the life of both mother and child can be threatened if not treated properly and adequatelyl The urine output of the mother is closely monitored and she will on occasion be prescribed sedatives for complete rests Analgesics are usually prescribed by the doctor to treat the shock and paini While this condition is an emergency, you usually have time for phone calls and care must be taken to ensure safe transportation to the hospitala More importantly do not panic and keep calm as the condition is common among a lot of women and approach a support group if possiblel

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