Baby Size in 28th Week of Pregnancy

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on October 17, 2012

A pregnancy is usually divided into three trimesters and the 28th week generally marks the beginning of the 3rd trimester. Around that time, you will probably be advised to visit your health care provider regularly, like every three weeks or so. This is mainly because the doctor will need to monitor the growth and development of your baby at 28 weeks pregnant. It is absolutely essential for health care providers to monitor the baby's height, weight, growth and development on a regular basis.


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Size of baby at 28 weeks pregnant

The average size of baby at 28 weeks pregnant is around 10 inches in length, which means that your baby is probably as long as a medium-sized zucchini. The average weight of baby at 28 weeks pregnant is around 2 pounds and 4 ounces. Most of the organs are functional for a baby at 28 weeks pregnant; therefore, children born at this time also stand a good chance of survival, if adequate medical help is provided.

There are several other factors that the doctor may check with the baby at 28 weeks pregnant, since the brain should expand and develop considerably. There will also be a higher amount of fat accumulated under the baby's skin. You baby can also open his or her eyes in the utero. What surprises most mothers though, is the fact that a baby at 28 weeks pregnant can take regular and routine naps each day, for around 20 to 30 minutes each.

Since most of these visits to the doctor consist of an ultrasound test, it is possible for you to see what your baby is doing within the womb too. However, as you approach your due date, it is only natural for you to ask your doctor "what does my baby look like at 28 weeks pregnant". There are several doctors, who advise patients to go in for a 3D ultrasound, which creates 3 dimensional images of the baby. Hence, unlike the flat images captured by regular ultrasound tests, you can see your baby in greater detail during the 3D ultrasound; the child's features, which are mostly formed by this time, are also seen quite prominently in this test. Unfortunately, this test can be quite expensive as compared to the regular ultrasound tests, which is why many people question if it is necessary. However, being able to see your baby at 28 weeks pregnant is one of the best ways of forming an early bond. Therefore, it is best for you to consider this option carefully, and perhaps even check with your health care provider, before arriving at a decision.

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