How big is my baby at 8 weeks pregnant?

(August 2, 2011)

For women who are keen on knowing how nig the baby is at 8 weeks pregnant should understand that the baby at 8 weeks pregnant  the baby will almost start becoming more human like after looking like a small tadpole all this while.  The size of the baby at 8 weeks pregnant is also still very small and will not be more than a kidney bean. The baby at 8 weeks pregnant will also start developing ears, eyelids as well as the upper lip. In fact the eyelids of the baby at 8 weeks pregnant will have developed to such an extent that they will almost cover the baby’s eyes completely. The size of baby at 8 weeks pregnant will be almost 20 mm in length. The nose of the baby at 8 weeks pregnant will also start developing from this stage of the pregnancy onwards.

Women who want to know how big their baby is at 8 weeks pregnant should also understand that the tiny heart of the baby is also beginning to develop. The heart of the baby at 8 weeks pregnant will have separated into four very distinct chambers and the heart of the baby will be beating at almost 150 beats per minute. This heart beat rate is almost twice the heart beat rate of an adult human heart which is at rest. The arms and legs of the baby at 8 weeks pregnant will also begin to grown in length and the brain of the baby also develops rapidly resulting in the formation of connection between various nerve cells which will lay the foundation of the development of the pathways of communication of the baby. The size of the baby at 8 weeks pregnant will also start increasing as the lungs of the baby also begin to develop from this point onwards in the pregnancy. However one should also keep in mind that the lungs of the baby are one of the last organs to mature. In fact the baby at 8 weeks pregnant will have also developed tiny and small elbows on both its hands. Along with the baby at 8 weeks pregnant, the uterus of the pregnant woman also starts to expand to accommodate the growing baby. At this stage of the pregnancy the uterus will be the size of a large orange or a grapefruit. When the baby is at 8 weeks pregnant the woman may experience pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, bloated feeling, fatigue and breast enlargement.

Submitted by N on August 2, 2011 at 02:19

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