Pregnancy Beauty & Style

Pregnancy is a time when the body goes through a lot of internal as well as external changes. Most women feel as though they are becoming fat and ugly but only the opposite is true. All that good food and additional blood flowing through the woman’s body give her a pregnancy glow. Staying active makes a big difference to how you look and feel during your pregnancy.

In pregnancy, style and beauty need not take a backseat and there are a lot of ways to look beautiful throughout this time.

Stretch marks and the occasional acne can get you down but each of these can be remedied. You will feel beautiful if you do not let it take over your life.


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It becomes natural to feel unattractive but the truth is that you are far from unattractive. You should be careful about which lotions you apply as most of it gets absorbed into the blood stream. If you are using medicated acne cream or anti aging cream, you should show them to your doctor before you continue to use them. Occasional make up is a good idea and can even cheer you up. You should avoid hair removing creams. Eating well, resting and staying happy is the secret to a beautiful you.

Hair care during pregnancy can be tricky because you might feel like your hair is losing body and shine. You can treat your hair to masks and warm oil treatments to improve its health. Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits can make a big difference. Avoid hair coloring during your pregnancy due to all the chemicals. Use loose hair scrunches and bands to prevent breakage.

Pregnancy and skin care seem to go hand in hand.

Stretch marks are one of the biggest issues during pregnancies. Application of vitamin E along with cocoa butter is one of the best remedies for it. Being pregnant you would also need to constantly lubricate your skin as it needs more nourishment which expanding for the baby. Eating a balanced diet is also an added benefit. To feel pampered, pregnant women can also take natural spa treatments to improve the texture of the skin.

When you get pregnant, you need not get a complete wardrobe overhaul. What to wear during pregnancy is simple. However you would need to keep your clothing loose. Stick to colors and fabrics you are comfortable in. You need to be true to your inherent style in order to feel comfortable through the nine months of your pregnancy. For the first few months you can continue to wear your old clothes with a little ingenuity.

Beauty & Style During Pregnancy
Pregnancy Beauty Style
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