1 Month Pregnancy Symptoms

Submitted by Nic on January 18, 2012

Many women are unaware of when their first month of pregnancy is. In order to calculate how many weeks pregnant you are, you need to count the weeks since the last period. Therefore the first month of pregnancy, according to this norm, takes into consideration the two weeks before conception and the two weeks after conception. So even though you have counted one month of pregnancy, you may be actually pregnant for just two weeks. This method of calculation is used because many women cannot be entirely sure of their conception date and this way of calculation offers a rough starting point.


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Even at the end of just 1 month, pregnancy symptoms are likely to occur. Many signs and symptoms of early pregnancy are quite similar to those of menstruation. This is why many women may be unable to tell if they are simple approaching their monthly period or if they are indeed pregnant.

A pregnancy test is the best way to put these doubts at ease and confirm or rule out a pregnancy. Early pregnancy symptoms vary from one woman to another. The timing of those symptoms is also likely to differ. A week or so after conception, spotting or light bleeding may take place. This occurs because the fertilized egg implants itself into the uterine lining. Many a time this is mistaken for menstruation. However the blood is darker than menstrual blood and it also does not last for very long. Cramping, breast soreness and mood swings may also accompany this symptom. In some cases, these symptoms may not be experienced and 1 month after a missed period is the time when many women realize they are pregnant. Read more about 1 week pregnant symptoms.

In addition to spotting and a delayed period, certain other symptoms may also occur. These symptoms are mainly caused due to the pregnancy hormones which are produced in the body once implantation occurs. Many women are able to instinctually know that they are pregnant. In others, the indication of pregnancy may come from symptoms such as breast tenderness and increased visibility of the veins on the breasts. The nipples also tend to become darker. Due to the changes taking place in the body, tiredness and fatigue may also set in. During pregnancy, an excess of body fluid is accumulated in the body and the kidneys must work extra hard to process this fluid. Due to this and also due to the effects of the pregnancy hormone, there is an increased pressure on the bladder. This leads to an urge to urinate frequently.

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