Bleeding During 10th Week of Pregnancy

Submitted by Nick on January 13, 2012

Bleeding during pregnancy can be a worrisome condition for a pregnant woman. However, this is a common occurrence and not necessarily a cause for concern. Many women who experience bleeding during pregnancy, especially during the first three months, continue to have a normal pregnancy and give birth to healthy babies. But one must not take vaginal bleeding during pregnancy lightly. It is always best to report the occurrence to your doctor so that complications may be ruled out. More on 10 weeks pregnant


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In some cases, vaginal bleeding in pregnancy may be indicative of a miscarriage or some other condition that is affecting the pregnancy and which requires immediate treatment. It helps to be aware of the various causes of bleeding during pregnancy. Some of these causes may be serious, while others are not.

In the first trimester, vaginal bleeding may occur due to certain changes which take place in the cervix such as softening and increased blood flow in the cervical area. Light spotting and bleeding during 10 weeks pregnancy may commonly occur due to implantation. This is the process wherein the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine lining. Other causes of pregnancy first trimester vaginal bleeding include ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, cervical infection and cervical cancer. In the second trimester, vaginal bleeding may result due to a miscarriage, placenta previa, cervical insufficiency, cervical infections and uterine ruptures. Bleeding at 10 weeks may occur in case of tearing of the placenta which is still forming at this stage. Heavy bleeding could also be a sign of a miscarriage and hence it is essential to consult a doctor immediately. Some other symptoms of a miscarriage include strong, painful cramps and passage of tissue and thick blood clots. Some amount of bleeding towards the end of the pregnancy is also normal. The cervix starts to relax and prepare for childbirth and the mucus plug which seals the cervix may also get dislodges. This may lead to a thick blood-tinted discharge.

While reporting vaginal bleeding to your doctor, also be sure to mention about the passage of any tissue or clots. In case of heavy bleeding that persists for a long period of time, passage of clots, severe abdominal pain, cramps, fever and chills, contact your doctor immediately. It helps to wear a sanitary pad when the bleeding occurs as it makes it easier to track how much blood is being passed. Refrain from using tampons and also avoid introducing anything into the vagina if bleeding occurs.

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