Diet during Pre-Pregnancy

If you are planning to get pregnant in a few months, you can start preparing by including regular exercise in your routine. Go for a daily walk or take up cycling. You can even swim or do some light aerobics and stretching exercise. Yoga and Pilates are good choices too. Exercise not only makes you fit, it also helps in easy labor and delivery.

It is also a good idea to increase your fluid intake. Drink a lot of water through the day and include fluids such as soups and fresh fruit juices. A healthy pre-pregnancy diet is important for a comfortable and healthy pregnancy. While it is advisable to speak with a doctor and nutritionist about a pre-pregnancy diet plan, here are some of our tips that you might find helpful.


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Healthy Diet During Pregnancy

Diet for Pre-Pregnancy

Tips for pre-pregnancy diet includes:

It is a good idea to include foods rich in folic acid in your diet. Whole grains and green leafy vegetables such as spinach are good sources of folic acid. Add a handful of chopped spinach or other leafy greens in soups, lentil soups and stir-fries. Choose whole grain bread and opt for soft, home made tortillas. Apart from that you can even take prenatal vitamins.

Junk Food During Pregnancy

Pre-pregnancy diets have no place for junk food. It is advisable to avoid food products that have white flour and refined sugar. You can also avoid eating baked goodies like cake, pastries and sugary and greasy doughnuts. You might also want to keep clear of fried foods that are rich in saturated fats.

Deep-friend foods and French fries are foods that should be off your list.

We suggest that you begin eating a balanced diet when you start thinking of starting a family. Include a lot of dairy products, whole grains, vegetables, yellow fruits and green leafy veggies in your diet. Prepare wholesome salads with a light dressing of honey, olive oil and herbs. Choose bread made with whole wheat and pasta made with semolina or durum. Cook all your meals with fresh vegetables and don’t forget to tuck into a bowl of low-fat yoghurt every day. It is also advisable not to skip any meals. If you go to work, then carry a box of home cooked lunch with you and a fruit and some nuts for a quick snack. You might even want to eat 5-6 smaller meals instead of three large ones.

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