Causes & Remedies for Vaginal Spotting

Vaginal spotting is one of the common symptoms of pregnancy, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Vaginal bleeding or spotting during pregnancy may be defined as minor bleeding from the vagina, particularly due to implantation of the fetus or embryo in the uterus.

Causes for Vaginal Spotting During Pregnancy

There are two major causes of vaginal spotting during pregnancy:


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Spotting During Pregnancy
  • One of the prime causes of vaginal bleeding or spotting is the implantation of the embryo in the uterus, which happens six to seven days after fertilization.
  • Another reason for vaginal spotting can be attributed to ectopic pregnancy, also referred to as molar or tubal pregnancy. In such a case, the fetus implants in the fallopian tube, reducing the probability of survival of the baby. An ectopic pregnancy is also very dangerous for the mother.

Some of the other causes of vaginal spotting during pregnancy include bacterial or yeast infections of the vagina and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like gonorrhea and herpes. Placental problems like placenta previa and placental abruption may also cause vaginal spotting. Premature labor may also cause vaginal bleeding.

Vaginal spotting in pregnancy is common and as such, you must not worry about it. It lasts till seven to nine weeks of the first trimester of pregnancy and then there is no vaginal spotting. However, if the vaginal bleeding is heavy and prolonged, it is a matter of concern.

Heavy vaginal bleeding during pregnancy might be an indication of termination of the pregnancy or some serious pregnancy-related problems. It is imperative to consult your doctor in case of heavy vaginal bleeding.

Remedies for Vaginal Spotting During Pregnancy

Some of the effective remedies to relieve vaginal spotting during pregnancy are:

  • If you are suffering from vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, you are advised to be on complete bed rest. This will help prevent any strain on the nerves of your lower abdomen and sexual organs, thereby reducing the incidence of vaginal spotting.
  • You must not consume aspirin while you menstruate or bleed during pregnancy, unless advised by a doctor. An intake of aspirin may increase the blood flow for a prolonged period of time.

You must consult your physician in order to relieve vaginal bleeding if it occurs in copious amounts. You must provide the doctor with your full medical history, including any congenital and previous illness, so that the doctor can make a proper diagnosis. This will enable him/her to help you relieve the vaginal bleeding or spotting.

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