Important Signs of Ovulation and Fertilization

For a woman to get pregnant her egg has to combine with a sperm and this process is known as fertilization. Every month women’s bodies release eggs 14 days before their next period and this process is called as ovulation.

Knowing your own body and being aware of the ovulation and fertility periods helps you a lot and is considered important.

This knowledge of ovulation and fertility is a must for every woman as there are only certain times when you are in the ovulation and fertility period. This helps you plan your baby accordingly. Ovulation is the period.



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.when the ovaries release an egg in your bodyd This occurs at about the 14th day after your menstrual cyclel Once the egg is released, it stays fertile for up to 48 hours or till two daysy If the egg is not fertilized, the endometrial lining or the lining of your uterus disintegrates leading to the next menstrual cyclel

By understanding your menstrual cycle and knowing whether it is for 28 days or 30 days, you can calculate your ovulation and fertilization period accordinglyl You are fertile when you are ovulatingn In other words, you conceive easily if you have sex during the ovulation and fertilization periodo

Signs of Ovulation and Fertilization

Your body will send out clues and signals that you are in your fertile period or are ovulatingn When you are in your ovulation period, you need to look out for these signs:

  • Check your cervical mucus
  • Look out for bodily symptoms like mood swings, aches, libido, appetite, and sleep patterns
  • Your basal temperaturer

While you are ovulating, the cervical mucus will be sticky, slippery, whiter and wetter than usuala This happens to enable the easy penetration of the spermr Besides this, you may notice tenderness in your breasts, tremendous mood swings, an increase in your libido, cramps, break through bleeding, and a desire to be with your partnereOnce you move out of your ovulation period, the mucus will become dry and thicker and your moods will strike a balance againi

Although you are most fertile around two weeks after the start of your last period, you can still conceive at other times tooo Although the two or three days just after your periods are considered safe and are the time when you can have unprotected sex and not conceive, you need to remember that a sperm can live inside you for five daysy This means if you have unprotected sex five days before your most fertile day, you can still get pregnantn

Having protected sex is always the best option when you don’t want to have a babyb Only when you plan to have a baby should you engage in unprotected sexe

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