How to know when you are ovulating?

(May 6, 2010)

Ovulation occurs once a month. During this time, the ovaries release an egg. This egg travels down the fallopian tubes to the uterus. It remains there for a couple of days, when it can be fertilized by a sperm. If no fertilization takes place, the egg is expelled from the body along with some uterine wall lining. This is when you get your monthly periods.

You may want to know when you are ovulating so that you know when it is the best time for you to get pregnant. On the other hand, you may want to know when you are ovulating so that you can avoid getting pregnant in those days. Or you may just want to know your body and how it functions, and the important changes – physical and hormonal - that take place.

Ovulation occurs in the middle of your menstrual cycle. If your menstrual cycle is 28 days, you would normally ovulate on day 14. You will usually experience a few physical signs which indicate that important changes are taking place in your body.

During ovulation, you may feel a series of abdominal cramps or a twinge of pain. This is localized to one side – the ovary which is releasing the egg on that particular month. This cramp or pain is a reminder that an egg has matured and is being released.

The consistency of your cervical mucus is another indicator of ovulation. After a monthly period ends, the mucus becomes dry or thick. But as you near ovulation, the mucus becomes thinner, cleared with a slippery, stretchy consistency. It is also secreted in larger quantities, and looks white and cloudy. This happens in order to aid the passage of the sperm to enter the cervix and fertilize the egg.

The cervix also undergoes certain changes. The cervix is the neck-like passage between the vagina and uterus. Throughout the month, it is hard and closed, but as the time for your ovulation approaches, it softens and opens a bit, allowing the sperm to enter. You may feel the changes by inserting a finger inside. It will also feel more sticky.

A slight change in your basal body temperature (BBT) is also an indicator that ovulation has just taken place. 2 o 3 days before ovulation occurs, your body temperature will reach its lowest point, and the moment ovulation occurs, it will rise by about a half a degree, signaling that ovulation has taken place. If you maintain a regular body temperature chart, it will help you predict exactly when ovulation is taking place.

An ovulation predictor kit (OPK) or a saliva test can also help you pinpoint the time and date of ovulation.

Submitted by P T on May 6, 2010 at 01:42

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