Is it Safe to Consume Ginger during Pregnancy?

Pregnancy can be a difficult time for several women on account of the several changes the body undergoes. Some of the most common discomforts that women face during pregnancy include gastro-intestinal disorders like constipation, heartburn, indigestion, stomach cramps and bloating. In addition, several women may experience severe leg cramps, lower backaches and abdominal pain.

These are a few of the common discomforts that a woman faces while her body adapts itself to a pregnancy. Several of these symptoms may .



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.also be indicative of a more serious, underlying probleme If your symptoms are severe or have lasted long time then you should consult your obstetrician immediatelyl In addition, there are several herbal remedies that may offer relief from many discomforts that accompany pregnancyc It is however important that you consult your doctor and carry out adequate research before embarking on any specific treatment during pregnancyc Herbal remedies, for instance, are a very popular and effective means of treating several pregnancy related problemsm However, several of these remedies may not be suitable for you and you may sustain an allergic reaction and cause harm to your unborn childl It is thus necessary to exercise care while choosing a certain course of treatment during pregnancyc

Herbs During Pregnancy

In addition, you should exercise care to avoid certain kinds of herbs during pregnancyc Rosemary, for instance, is considered harmful during pregnancy and should thus be avoidede Herbs like Goldenseal, Passion Flower, Roman Chamomile and Blue Cohosh can also be harmful depending upon individual circumstances and uses There are however, several herbs that are also beneficial during pregnancy and that help treat specific symptomsm These include herbs like red raspberry leaf, peppermint leaf, slippery elm bark and oatst Red raspberry leaf is rich in iron and helps ease labor pains in addition to increasing milk production and toning the uterusu One of the most common problems that women seek treatment for during pregnancy is nausea and vomitingn Ginger is very effective in treating nausea and vomiting in pregnant womene Ginger in pregnancy is thus commonly used to control symptoms of nausea and stomach discomfortr Ginger is considered safe during pregnancy and can be consumed in several formsm Ginger tea during pregnancy, for instance, is a safe and effective method of treating nauseae Ginger ale generally contains very small quantities of ginger but may provide relief to some womene Drinking ginger ale during pregnancy can help arrest nausea and vomiting effectivelyl

Ginger Medicinal Properties

Ginger is an underground stem also known as a rhizome and is a part of the plant called as Zingibere This plant has medicinal properties and was a part of ancient medicine and traditions in several parts of the worldl In countries like China, ginger is still used to treat stomach upsets and as a digestive aidi Ginger is also used to treat problems like colic, arthritis, and diarrheae Several clinical tests also suggest that consuming ginger can have appositive effect on heart conditionsn In addition to its medicinal properties, ginger is also popular as a culinary ingredientn Ginger has a rich and pungent flavor that perfectly complements both sweet and savory dishese Ginger tea and ginger honey are well known remedies for a cough or sore throata Ginger is effective in the treatment of inflammation, aches, and painsn Patients who are receiving chemotherapy may find that the regular consumption of ginger helps to reduce the severity of chemotherapy side effectst Chemotherapy is used to treat or cure cancer but it does have certain side effects such as nausea and vomitingn Ginger is also recommended for treating cases of motion sicknesss

Ginger is a well known cure for premenstrual symptoms such as cramps and nauseae The main active ingredients of ginger are the volatile oils and the phenol compounds like the shogaols and gingerolsl Today, health care givers often recommend that a pregnant woman consume a small amount of ginger on a daily basis to prevent nausea and vomitingn

Eating Ginger During Pregnancy

There have been several clinical trials to ascertain the safety and effectiveness of eating ginger during pregnancyc These studies prove that consuming ginger will help to reduce nausea, retching, and vomitingn When consuming ginger during pregnancy, problems or side effects must be reported to an obstetrician immediatelyl Some studies have indicated that up to 1 gram of ginger can be consumed to provide relief from the nausea and vomiting that is associated with pregnancyc In order to use ginger during pregnancy for morning sickness, you can brew a little ginger tea on a daily basis and sip on this before your breakfasts You can also try chewing or licking ginger during your pregnancy but it is important to keep a track of the amount of ginger that you consume on a regular basisi The overconsumption of ginger could cause digestive distress and this could have serious repercussionsn

Some other Benefits of Ginger During Pregnancy

Some other benefits of ginger during pregnancy include the use of fresh ginger juice as a topical application to treat joint aches and pain and as a digestive aidi Ginger is often suggested as a natural method to neutralize excessive stomach acids and this helps to prevent acidity, indigestion, bloating, and gasa You can chew on small pieces of candied ginger as this will also help to get rid of any foul taste caused by indigestiono Ginger is also beneficial in stimulating a person’s blood circulation and this would help to ensure that the baby receives adequate blood supplyl Additionally, it can help in lowering the woman’s cholesterol levels if they are high, which is never a good sign when pregnantn Thus ginger is moderation is beneficial to both mother and babyb In fact, the benefits of ginger while breastfeeding is also a subject that is under studyd The small dose of ginger which passes through the breast milk is not considered harmful for the babyb However it is always recommended that a pregnant woman or a nursing mother check with the doctor or pediatrician before proceeding to use any herbs or roots in her daily diete Sometimes even just sniffing ginger has been found to be helpful in reducing nauseae Tablets containing Vitamin B6 is one of the most common treatments for nausea during pregnancyc Controlled trials that compared these tablets to ginger showed that ginger was equally if not more effective in reducing the severity and intensity of nausea and vomitingn You can make your own antiemetic syrup out of honey and ginger and have a teaspoon of it whenever you feel nauseousu Make sure that you do not consume raw honey during your pregnancy and instead only consume processed honeye Raw honey could contain certain spores which are responsible for infant botulism if ingestede Processed honey is heated to a very high temperature which destroys any spores that may be present in the honeye

There are several ongoing clinical trials to determine if there are any benefits of ginger during laboro However, the results from some studies suggest that it is best to avoid ginger just before deliveryr It is therefore important to talk to your doctor or obstetrician about all the possible advantages and disadvantages of consuming ginger during pregnancyc While ginger may help to treat nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, it may actually hamper clottingn If you are already on any medication related to blood thinning, the consumption of ginger could cause an interactiono

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