How to tell if baby drops in the pregnancy canal?

(June 15, 2010)

Lightening During Pregnancy

Between 34 – 36 weeks of pregnancy many women will start experiencing the symptoms of labor which basically is their body gradually preparing itself for the actual delivery. Although these signs do not indicate how soon the baby will be delivered they give a relatively good idea of when labor can be expected. A few days or a week before labor many women experience a phenomenon called “Lightening”. Lightening basically refers to the process of the baby dropping into the pelvis or the pregnancy canal. During lightening the baby tends to adjust itself to come out of the birth canal by rotating its body to a suitable downward facing position. Most babies readjust themselves to a position where their head is near the opening of the vagina or their bottom. Many women tend to feel or notice when this happens because of the sudden space between their breasts and the abdomen.  The dropping of the baby is an indication that it is ready to come out into the world. During this stage of pregnancy, most women notice that their breathing is relatively easier and less labored because they are able to draw a deep breath without their lungs pressing into the baby during the expansion. There is also a reduction in the pressure on the stomach. At this stage the mother will also visit the bathroom more frequently on account of the added pressure on the bladder because of the baby’s new position.

Most women also experience swelling and soreness in their hands and feet which makes moving around difficult for them. On the other hand after the baby has dropped, some pregnant women experience increased constipation and even hemorrhoids. Dropping of the baby also increases pressure on the vagina which indicates to the mother that labor might just be a few days away. In some cases lightening may occur in women even when delivery is almost 4 -6 weeks away. This makes the latter part of the pregnancy very uncomfortable for the mother who then has to get used to her baby readjusting its position in the womb. Most women are not able to walk normally which then results in the infamous pregnancy waddle. After lightening many women are worried that their babies may just drop out, it is hence advisable to go for regular medical checkups to your doctor so that there both mother and child are well prepared for the actual delivery and any infections may be attended to well in advance.

Submitted by P T on June 15, 2010 at 12:53

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