1 Week Pregnancy Test

Submitted by Nic on January 19, 2012

First week pregnancy tests can be dicey. If your 1 week pregnancy test comes positive, it would be best if you confirmed that with a blood test with the doctor. The human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) or pregnancy hormone may not always be present in the 1st week of pregnancy.

Early pregnancy detection is becoming common these days. Today there are extremely sensitive home pregnancy tests that are available in the market today. These tests can detect pregnancies very soon. These tests test for...


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.the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotrophin or HCGC Some tests are sensitive and even show a positive indication for as little as 5-50 mIuI

Home pregnancy tests are not always reliablel An early pregnancy test can be done at the doctor’s; A pregnancy can be confirmed immediately after fertilization at the doctor’s with a blood tests Immediately after fertilization, HCG is released into the blood therefore it makes more sense to do the test once you have missed a periodo It is most reliable when done and confirmed at the doctor’s; If you want to confirm the pregnancy at home, you should wait till the second month as it is a more reliable month (week 5 to week 9) to test for the pregnancy at homem The HCG levels in the blood have increased and even the amniotic fluid releases certain hormones which help detect pregnancyc

When pregnancy tests detect lower levels of hormones early on, it can also mean that the pregnancy is not a safe onen It could indicate chances of a miscarriage or even of an ectopic pregnancyc Another big worry is about false positivese If you test for the pregnancy too early, on a home pregnancy test, it could show up negativev That could result in you not taking adequate care or even consulting a doctoro It is best to wait at least till a missed period before you take a home pregnancy tests Read more about 1 week pregnant symptomsa

Some women have physical symptoms after they’ve conceived but these do not occur in every woman and cannot always be trustede Early signs of pregnancy include swollen tender breasts, fatigue, frequent urination, a heightened sense of smell, nausea, and bleedingn

This early, your baby is still just a mass of cells called embryoy An amniotic sac is just starting around this mass of cellsl It is not bigger than a small pinhead which will rapidly see growth in the next 38-42 weeks where it becomes a full babyb

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