3 Weeks Pregnancy Test

Submitted by Nic on January 18, 2012

Pregnancy dates are calculated from the first day of your last period or menstrual cycle. That means week 3 is when the fertilization of the egg and sperm occurs. At 3 weeks, home pregnancy tests are never completely accurate. There are sensitive home pregnancy tests that are available in the market today that can test for pregnancies very soon. Three weeks pregnancy detection is becoming common these days. These tests test for the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotrophin or HCG. Some tests are sensitive and even show a positive indication for as little as 5-50 mIu.


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For a 3 weeks pregnancy test can be done at the doctor’s. A pregnancy can be confirmed immediately after fertilization at the doctor’s with a blood test. But home pregnancy tests are not always reliable.

Some women have symptoms after they’ve conceived but these do not occur in every woman and cannot always be trusted.

Second month is a more reliable month (week 5 to week 9) to test for the pregnancy at home. The HCG levels in the blood have increased and even the amniotic fluid releases certain hormones which help detect pregnancy.

Your baby is still just a mass of cells. An amniotic sac is just starting around this mass of cells. It is not bigger than a mass of cells which will rapidly see growth in the next 38-42 weeks where it becomes a full baby.

Early 3 weeks pregnant symptoms include swollen tender breasts, fatigue, frequent urination, a heightened sense of smell, nausea and bleeding. Once the embryo implants itself on the uterine wall, you might see some spotting, which can occur in week 3. As the embryo is implanted, it begins the growing process by first splitting into two and further multiplying of cells.

The placenta forms by the end of week 3 which become the primary source for nourishment for the baby till almost the end of the pregnancy. Until a doctor confirms the pregnancy do not change your lifestyle too much. If you are a runner, continue to do so. Exercising during pregnancy will be a good thing. Avoid exerting exercise and long soaks in baths.

Once your pregnancy is confirmed you need to ensure that you eat nutritive food, including an increased intake of folic acid. You need to consume about 400 mg of folic acid daily and it is best if ingested through natural sources like spinach, peanuts and black-eyed peas.

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