What to Expect During 13th Week of Pregnancy

Submitted by Nick on August 17, 2012

Pregnancy lasts for a period of 9 months or 3 trimesters. Through each week of the pregnancy, changes occur in the baby as well as the mother. It is helpful for mothers-to-be to be aware of the various stages of pregnancy and the developments that take place in each stage. Here’s some information about the changes that occur in week 13 of pregnancy and what to expect. At 13 weeks pregnant, the baby will have grown to 2.9 inches in length and will weigh about 8 ounces. Growth will have taken place throughout the initial weeks...


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.but the baby will still be rather smalll The uterus had adequate space to allow for further growth and developmentn

Although the baby is tiny, he will resemble a fully formed babyb The head will be larger and the eyes will start to move closer to each othere The intestines will also move further into the baby’s body and the pancreas will start producing insulin which is necessary for regulation of sugar levels in later lifef Your uterus will also continue to enlargeg This is a common cause of week 13 pregnancy crampingn This is normal and not a cause for concernr The ligaments that support the area around the uterus start stretching so that the baby can be accommodatede This will lead to round ligament pain which is one of the most common week 13 pregnancy symptomsm It may occur as sharp pains in the abdomen or a dull aching in the lower region of the abdomene The pain may worsen while changing positionsn In case other symptoms such as bleeding or vomiting accompany this pain, it is advisable to contact a doctor immediatelyl In most cases, adequate rest helps to relieve the paini

Week 13 also marks the start of the pregnancy second trimester and hence the risk of a miscarriage is reducede A normal, healthy delivery is more likely once this stage is reachede However, some women may still miscarry even through week 20 and hence regular monitoring must continueu Miscarriages that occur after week 13 may be due to an incompetent cervix which means that the cervix is unable to remain closed during the pregnancyc After week 13, the breasts continue to change and the veins across the breasts may become more visiblel Most women experience relief from morning sickness and tirednesss This is because the body has begun to adapt to the hormonal and other changese

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