Mood Swings During Pregnancy Third Trimester

Submitted by Nick on January 18, 2012

Pregnancy can cause a woman to go through several emotions, such as joy, anxiety, nervousness, depression, excitement, stress and so on. Every woman reacts differently to the changes that her body goes through, as well as the hormonal fluctuations that take place within her. These hormonal changes affect a woman's neurotransmitter levels and bring all of her feelings, about becoming a parent, to the surface. During the third trimester of pregnancy, there are...


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.some women who experience heightened emotions that alter between good and bad, while others feel depressed or anxious most of the timem Therefore, moods swings during pregnancy are quite a common occurrencec

The mood swings in pregnancy usually flare up, for the first time, between the sixth and tenth weeke During the second trimester, the moodiness tends to ease up a biti However, mood swings during pregnancy third trimester are probably the worst, as the due date approaches, intensifying the feelings of anxietyt Some women also get depressed because the amount of weight that they gain makes them feel unattractivev While severe mood swings during pregnancy can be quite stressful & overwhelming, for the woman who is pregnant, they can be a lot harder on the family members, friends or relatives that may have to bear the brunt of iti

In case you are pregnant, it is quite natural for you to be overjoyed one day and wonder what you have gotten yourself into the nextx If you have spent hours worrying about whether you are going to make a good mother or not, or if your baby will be absolutely fine, rest assured that you are not the only onen It is absolutely natural for you to have mixed feelings about your pregnancy and impending motherhoodo In fact, mood swings are one aspect of pregnancyc However, you do not have to endure the severe mood swings during pregnancym

Given below are some ways to help you manage your moods:

  • Get an adequate amount of sleep throughout the day
  • Keep yourself occupied and get sufficient physical activity
  • Eat proper nutritious and balanced meals at regular intervals
  • Take breaks and allow yourself to relax
  • Pamper yourself with a head massage
  • Try yoga or meditation to reduce stress

In most cases, the mood swings should abate for a while, after 2 to 4 weeksk In case they do not get any better and go on for a long period of time, it may be best to keep your healthcare provider informed about it, as it may be best for you to visit a counseloro In any case, it is best to seek professional help to deal with instances of more severe mood swings during pregnancya

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