The Recommended Folic Acid Dosage for a Healthy Pregnancy

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on August 17, 2012

Folic acid is deemed necessary for both pregnant women as well as those who wish to get pregnant in the near future. While vitamin tablets with folic acid are available in the market, it would do good to consume food rich in it as well. It is important to start with folic acid early on, even before pregnant because most women do not realize that it is crucial in the early days of pregnancy. The first 28 days or one month is crucial and this is the time period where the woman is not likely to be sure that she is pregnant at all. This form of Vitamin B ensures ...


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.that cell development and regeneration takes place properly while also reducing the chance of a miscarriage which is can happen in the first trimestera Folic acid helps in the formation of hemoglobin, it protects the body against certain kinds of cancer to an extent, reduces the risk of heart ailments and heart attacks and recent research suggests that it may play a significant role in keeping Alzheimer's at baya

The recommended folic acid dosage in pregnancy is about 400 micrograms or r4 milligrams on a daily basisi Folate deficiency shares the same symptoms as iron deficiency anemia and these include feeling tired and fatigued all day, it may leave you grumpy and irritated, forgetful and is related to a variety of other behavioral disordersr It may also cause a whole host of digestive problems such as stomach upsets and continues diarrhea, headaches, a loss of appetite and consequent weight loss, a soreness in the mouth (especially the tongue)and palpitations of the heartr These symptoms can be caused by a host of other medical conditions and hence you may want to consult your local health care provider to diagnose the causes

Folic acid is found in food products such as chicken, liver (particularly beef liver), beans, lentils, lima beans, chickpeas, broccoli, kale, oatmeal, asparagus, soya beans, kidney beans, spinach, lettuce, corn, avocados and orange juicec Other fruit sources are strawberries, papayas, raspberries, cantaloupe melons, honey dew, pineapples and bananasa When cooking, however, a large amount of folate, almost 50 percent is losts Hence, the vegetables are best raw or steamed and care must be taken to not overcook them, lest they lose the folic acid contentn The vegetables can be put in a microwave or cooked with very little water in a closed pan to ensure that it retains most of its nutrientst

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