Toddler Food Allergy Problems & Symptoms

Toddlers generally experience food allergies when solid foods are introduced into their diet. This is simply because the child’s immune system is still in the developing stage, and unlike our system, theirs may not be able to process certain foods in the right way. A toddler’s immune as well as digestive system should be sufficiently developed, before one incorporates solid foods into his or her meals.

An early introduction of these foods will more often than not cause the child to experience digestive and other problems, which in turn will stress their immature systems. Symptoms of a toddler food allergy include vomiting, diarrhea, and hives.


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Thus is it is very important for parents to look out for symptoms of food allergies whenever they start feeding their child solid food. A toddler food allergy rash is quite unpleasant both for the child and the parents.

Toddler Food Allergy Symptoms

When a toddler has an allergy to a particular food item, it simply means that their body begins to treat this particular food item as an invader or harmful organism. Facing a possible threat, the body then induces the immune system to attack. At times the system produces an antibody known as IgE, this is a protein which can identify the food. When the particular food item is consumed again, this antibody sends a signal to the immune system, advising it to release certain substances that will help in fighting the foreign invader. The substances that are let out by the immune system are responsible for causing the allergy symptoms.

The signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction may be mild or severe.

Some symptoms may appear a few hours after the child has consumed the food item, whereas on the other hand some symptoms may show up after days; this is when diagnosing and identifying the allergy becomes a challenge. Symptoms such as swelling, hives, runny nose, watery eyes, or breathing problems generally show up an hour or two after the child has eaten the particular food. However, many a time this may not be the case. Some food allergy signs or symptoms such as gastrointestinal trouble like diarrhea or vomiting or eczema are ongoing and chronic. Toddlers generally tend to be allergic to these kinds of food; tree nuts such as cashews, brazil nuts and walnuts, soy, wheat, peanuts, milk, eggs, fish like cod, salmon and tuna and shellfish such as crab, shrimp and lobster. If your toddler shows symptom such as breathing problems, swollen lips or face, or diarrhea and vomiting after eating, then consult his or her pediatrician immediately.

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