Can I have Food poisoning during pregnancy?

(July 7, 2010)

Pregnancy Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is generally the result of eating unhygienic foods. It can result in vomiting, diarrhea, mild to acute stomach pain.  It can also cause the patient fever and also headaches. These are the most common symptoms of pregnancy and so food poisoning during pregnancy often goes unnoticed. Pregnant women can also suffer from bouts of poisoning which can range from mild to acute. Mild symptoms are not that worrying as the expectant mother will recover from this. But the more severe cases need to be monitored closely.

There are various causes of food poisoning. Eating out is mainly considered to be the cause but it is actually not the primary reason. The main cause of food poisoning in pregnant women is just the cause of eating all the wrong foods. When a woman is pregnant it is essential that she take care of all the foods she consumes. It is vital to take care right from the start of the pregnancy to ensure that pregnancy suffers no complications. Food poisoning is not only risky for the mother, but also for the fetus. It can at times, depending on its severity lead to stillbirths and miscarriages. By consuming a diet that is well balanced and nutritious one can avoid any of the hazards that accompany food poisoning. One can usually consume all one used to consume prior to pregnancy with a few exceptions. Some of the major types of food poisoning that one needs to watch out for include Listeriosis. This is a particular kind of food poisoning that is the result of a bacterium known as Listeria monocytogenes. This bacteria one can usually find in the surrounding environment like water and soil. When this comes in contact with the food we eat like dairy products, vegetables and meats it will contaminate the food. The symptoms usually appear in 30 days time including headaches, muscle aches, loss of balance, fever, and convulsions. It can in extreme cases also include meningitis, brain strokes and septicemia. Pregnant women are more vulnerable to these infections as compared to the general public. Hence these pregnant women need to avoid foods like processed cheese, smoked seafood, and refrigerated meat spreads. Some of the processed cheeses that need to be avoided include camembert, soft cheeses like cottage cheese, brie, cream cheese and also hard cheese like cheddar. One should also avoid eating salads with ham, salami, bacon and other cold cuts. One should also avoid unpasteurized milk products.

Submitted by P T on July 7, 2010 at 01:34

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