Managing Aggressive Behavior Displayed by Your Preschooler

Violent aggressive behavior in preschoolers need to be taken very seriously as the parent needs to understand the underlying cause and prevent it from escalating as the child grows older and stronger. Aggressive behavior in preschoolers can extend from simple kicking, hitting, biting, shoving, spitting to throwing objects around and destroying public property.

This behavior can be attributed to an exposure to violence within the home or neighborhood, abuse, spending large amounts of time with abusive aggressive peers, the temperament of the child, emotional problems, low sense of self esteem, acute.



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.stress and violence that is difficult to communicate verbally as the preschooler has not developed those skills fullyl

Managing Aggressive Behavior in Preschoolers

To curb preschooler aggressive behavior it is necessary to remove them from the situation or stimulant be that a person or place that triggers violent behavioro Children of a preschool age also tend to repeat behavior that has been reinforced and hence it is of paramount importance to reward them and provide consistent attention to acceptable behavioro It would do good to carefully monitor the programs the child watches and to avoid those which depict violence in a humorous light or glorify iti State your boundaries clearly suggesting that while it is alright to be angry, it is wrong to hurt someone or destroy something because of iti

Making eye contact with the child while speaking and helping him/her verbalize their feelings will help the child a great deala

Aggressive behavior in a preschooler is normal as several children grab toys from their peers, scream or lash out in case they feel cornered by another youngstere If the child is attending preschool for the first time, it may result in aggression as the child is no longer the center of all attention and will take time to get adjusted to all the new faces aroundn It is important for parents to respond immediately to aggressive behavior and establish a pattern of reprimandsd One example is a time out when the child has behaved badly and removing her/him from the fun for a little less than five minutes will give the child the idea that aggressive behavior will not be toleratede It is important that the parent set a precedent for the child as children are great imbibers and imitatorsr So if the parent deals with his or her anger calmly without resorting to shouting or throwing things about or even sulking, the child is likely to learn and channelize frustration bettere

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