Pregnancy week 9 suffering morning sickness.?

(June 1, 2010)

Pregnancy Week 9 Morning Sickness

Although going through a pregnancy and giving birth to a child is one of the most beautiful experiences of a woman’s life, the nine months leading up to the eventual delivery are a time of substantial pain and fatigue as the internal mechanism of the woman’s body changes drastically and the kinds of foods and liquids she is allowed to ingest need to be more controlled. Morning sickness is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy and is primarily the result of the numerous changes taking place in the expecting mother’s body such as the increasing levels of estrogen, excess stomach acids, increased fatigue and an increased sense of smell. Although it is known as morning sickness, the condition can occur in the morning, noon or night. The symptoms of morning sickness can last anywhere between a few weeks of the pregnancy to a few months and will depend from one expecting mother to another. The fact that the sickness can be triggered by a number of factors makes the condition much harder to control. Most women will experience a very drastic reaction to factors that, before the pregnancy, did not cause any reactions such as the smell of onions or potatoes cooking.

Some women will get overly worried by the fact that they are unable to keep any consumed food down as a result of the constant vomiting. It is important to consult a doctor to identify if the amount of vomiting exceeds normal levels. Excessive vomiting during a pregnancy, known as hyperemesis gravidarum is a rare condition, but can have far reaching effects such as leading to malnutrition, dehydration and many other pregnancy related complications. Apart from the risk of excessive vomiting during the pregnancy, morning sickness will not have any significant impact on the health or well being of the baby. In order to better control the impact of morning sickness on your pregnancy, you could try keeping some simple snacks, like plain biscuits, handy at all times and nibble on them every morning about 20 to 30 minutes before getting out of bed. Instead of eating three large meals on a daily basis, cut your food intake into smaller meals spread over the course of the day. Moreover, keep in mind the fact that an empty stomach increases the effects of nausea so increasing your intake of proteins or carbohydrates will help substantially. Make sure that you drink as much water as possible and keep yourself well hydrated.

Submitted by P T on June 1, 2010 at 02:47

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