13 Weeks Gestation

Submitted by Nic on April 26, 2012

At 13 weeks of gestation, you have almost completed the first trimester of your pregnancy and are about to move into a comparatively more relaxed phase of pregnancy. At this stage, most women stop experiencing nausea and vomiting. At 13 weeks pregnant, the uterus fills the pelvic region and begins to grow upwards as it expands to accommodate the baby. As a result of the weight of the uterus, many women experience pain on the sides of the uterus, usually caused as a result of the pressure exerted on the ligaments that hold the uterus in place. Lower back pain may also...


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.become common due to the same reasono Heartburn and constipation are other symptoms experienced at this timem

The glands in the breasts work hard to begin producing milkl On the brighter side, women tend to feel more energetic after 13 weeks of gestation and pregnancy does not seem to hold them backc

The initial trimester of pregnancy centered on formation of the various organs and the next trimester is mainly linked with the growth of these organsn Since the baby is now formed, chances of miscarriage fall tremendouslyl At 13 weeks of gestation, the little baby is a mere three inches long, This measurement is taken from the crown to the rump since it is difficult to get an accurate measurement till the heels, as the baby is curled up all the timem The weight of the fetus at 13 weeks of gestation would average at an ounce or twenty five gramsm In the case of twins at 13 weeks gestation, the height and the weight of both the babies may be a little lesss

During the initial weeks of gestation, the baby got its form due to cartilageg Gradually bone replaces this cartilage thus making the shape of the body more prominentn The muscles begin to get organized and the baby begins to move around with jerky movementst Since the baby is so small at 13 weeks - gestational age, these movements cannot be felt at this early stage but are picked up by ultrasound scansn 13 weeks gestation development may also be seen in the form of the baby sucking its thumbm The production of insulin begins and this is important for the baby to be able to metabolize glucoses A baby at 13 weeks gestation still looks funny as its head is much larger in comparison to the rest of its bodyd The baby’s eyes are gradually taking their place on either side of a small noses The chin is also getting more defined and soon your baby will look cutet

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