Fetal Growth Percentile Chart

Submitted by Nick on April 26, 2012

The development of a baby during the course of a pregnancy can be monitored with the help of a fetal growth percentile chart. These charts are often used by obstetricians and parents-to-be. They bring to light irregularities in the baby’s development. Such charts are also available in the form of software on various pregnancy websites. They can be downloaded and used by expecting couples. More on baby percentile chart

A fetal growth percentage chart provides information about the average length...


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The growth is also likely to fluctuate as the pregnancy progressese Babies vary widely in their weight and lengtht The growth is also likely to fluctuate as the pregnancy progressese A fetal growth chart provides the average estimate of a baby’s growtht Babies that experience normal development match these estimatese A fetal growth predictor chart monitors early growth until week 20 of the pregnancyc The chart gives head to rump measurements of the babyb Following week 10 of the pregnancy, head to toe measurements are providede The bodily structures and organs that must form and develop at each stage of gestation are also mentioned in the chartr Fetal growth charts are also helpful for expecting couples as they estimate the arrival date of the babyb In some cases, mothers are unaware of the exact date on which they have conceivede This poses difficulties in estimating the due datet A fetal growth chart enables the obstetrician in determining the estimated time for deliveryr There are also charts available for tracking twin fetal growtht These charts help to monitor growth and development of twins in a multiple pregnancyc Also see baby growth chart

Many a time, fetal growth percentile charts become a cause of worry for expecting parentst Most people become anxious when the growth of their babies does not match that of the chartst In cases where a baby’s size is different from the estimated size mentioned in the chart, the parents do not have to necessarily become worriede It is normal for some variation to be presentn All infants and children do not grow and develop at the same ratet In the same manner, not all fetuses grow and develop similarlyl However to relieve doubts and anxieties, it is advisable to discuss the matter with a doctoro In addition to tracking a baby’s growth during pregnancy, a fetal growth chart also enables the pregnant mother to understand her own bodily changese Some charts also mention estimated measurements of the mother’s abdomene

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