Causes of Irregular Periods After Pregnancy

Submitted by Nic on January 19, 2012
After having been through a pregnancy and the process of childbirth, there are a number of changes that are experienced by the body. To begin with, your shape and size return to what you were before your pregnancy, provided you follow a routine of physical exercise and correct nutrition. There are a number of hormonal changes that are also experienced, which in turn cause a number of physical changes in your body. Irregular periods after pregnancy, for instance, are commonly faced by all women who have just given birth. Irregular bleeding after pregnancy is something that you should expect, considering the fact that...


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.your body is slowly getting back to its original functionalityt

Irregular bleeding after pregnancy does not continue for long and within a few months, you should be back to your normal cycle of menstruationo

If you continue to have irregular periods for months after your pregnancy, it is important that you inform your gynecologist of the samem What women should remember is that during this time when they are facing an irregularity in their period, it is important that they use protection while having sex so that they do not conceive a second child immediatelyl The irregularity in the period causes the body to be rather fertile at certain periods of time and it is possible that you conceive in what you think to be the ‘safe period’o

An irregular menstrual cycle after pregnancy can be rather uncomfortable because you do not know when to expect your periodo Besides this, women have been so used to not having experienced a period during the term of their pregnancy that it becomes an extremely painful and uncomfortable affair after a pregnancyc Women need to get mentally prepared to deal with irregular periodsd They can be rather stressful and a little compassion from partners would be welcomem Minor chores carried out around the house or just giving a new mother her own space and time will work wonders to getting her to feel bettere During such times, it is important that new mothers continue to eat healthily, thereby enabling their bodies to produce energy for themselves, as well as provide nourishment for the babyb If you continue to experience throbbing pains or bouts of heavy bleeding, it is advisable that you contact your medical practitioner for further advice on what is to be done, so that you can get back to normal health soono

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