Why Are My Periods Late By Four Days?

(September 10, 2012)

An average menstrual cycle can range from 28 to 35 days and there are often months when your period could come in a few days earlier or later than normal. In this case, there are a number of reasons why your period is late by four days. One of the biggest reasons for an irregular cycle is stress. Have you been overly anxious or worried about anything of late? If yes, stress can affect the normal balance of hormones and even block ovulation at times thereby throwing your cycle off by a few days. Other possible reasons for a late period include extreme weather conditions or changes that can throw your body of whack, new contraceptive pills or methods that take the body some adjusting to, sudden weight loss or weight gain that can affect the production of hormones, or a new or strenuous exercise regime or diet. A late period could also signal a more life-altering change. If this is not the first time your period is late or irregular, it can be an early sign of menopause. If you suffer from constant fatigue and have problems losing weight, a late period may be caused by thyroid problem. As you can see the list does go on!

If you are prone to irregular or missed periods, it is better to consult with a gynecologist to rule out any underlying medical condition. Whatever the reasons for your late period may be, just remember not to panic. Your body has an unerring ability to know what's best for it and will make the necessary internal adjustments until all is well and it can return safely to normal.

Of course, one of the main reasons for a late period is that you may be pregnant. Whether this comes as good or bad news to you, its time to check for yourself by taking a home pregnancy test as soon as possible. Over-the-counter pregnancy tests measure the amount of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in the urine and can now give accurate results as early as four days after your missed period. Use the first urine of the day to get the most accurate results and repeat the test after a few more days to make doubly sure of the readings. Other early signs of pregnancy include fuller or tender breasts, tingling around the areolas, darkening of the areolas, acidity, fatigue, sleeplessness, nausea, and frequent urination. If you experience any of the following symptoms, visit your doctor at the earliest to confirm your pregnancy.

Submitted by J on September 10, 2012 at 07:25

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