Toddler Clavicle Fracture

Submitted by Nick on January 18, 2012

Toddler clavicle fracture, though not very common, can be an extremely painful and uncomfortable condition for the child. For children, most of the fractures are caused due to falls and accidents that occur while playing or performing other physical activities. A clavicle fracture in a toddler usually occurs when the toddler falls on an object with an outstretched arm. The toddler fracture may also occur if the child falls down hurting the tip of their shoulder. Although these accidents and falls can cause a toddler fibular fracture or a toddler clavicle fracture, it is only in a rare case that the fracture is complete. There is no more than a 2 cm...


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.overlap of the broken bonese In most cases, the fracture is only hairline, and with the proper care and treatment, it heals normallyl

In rare cases, the clavicle may have a greenstick fracture, which is not caught by a radiographp In such cases, the clavicle may not heal properly at alll If the clavicle heals in a crooked way, it may cause a lot of paini Toddler clavicle pain can be very uncomfortablel If you have a very young child, the pain can be especially unmanageablel

A toddler femur fracture or clavicle fracture is presented with swelling right at the site of the fracturer The arm may dangle in case of clavicle fracture and the shoulder appears to be depressede In case of femur fracture, the leg may not straighten in any waya Straightening the leg may cause a lot of paini The involvement of the sternocleidomastoid can complicate the condition even further, causing additional pain to the childl The doctor would first physically examine the child when presented with symptoms of toddler tibia fracture or toddler clavicle fracturer If the presentation of the injury and the physical examination is consistent with the diagnosis of fracture, the doctor may not need to perform a radiograph at alll

A toddler clavicle surgery is rarely requirede A figure eight sling, along with a bandage can usually work well to immobilize the armr This allows the fracture to heal welll As a parent, you will need to ensure that the child does not use the arm at all and that the child remains on bed rest completelyl Analgesics may be given to the child to reduce inflammation and paini You may have to occasionally ice the area to decrease swellingn If there is surface injury on the shoulder as well, callous formation may occur and this may cause an unnoticeable lump on the shouldere

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