Sex Poses During 2nd Trimester of Pregnancy

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on April 25, 2012

There are several activities that you will have to give up once you realize that you are pregnant. Your OBS/GYN will probably also ask you to refrain from having sex for at least the first 10 or 12 weeks of your pregnancy. This is because the risks of miscarriage are fairly high during the first trimester. Once you enter “the safe period”, which is the second trimester of pregnancy, you can ask your doctor if it is alright for you to have sex. As long as your pregnancy is proceeding without any complications, your doctor should give you the go ahead.


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However, now that you are pregnant, you need to be a bit careful with your lovemaking activities. The sex position that you choose should allow you to feel comfortable. Moreover, there should be no pressure on your abdominal area during sex.

What are the safe sex positions during second trimester?

The changes taking place in your body because of your pregnancy do not have to hinder your pleasure during sex. However, the bigger you get, the more difficult it is going to be for you to find a position that is comfortable. Of course, when it comes to sex positions during pregnancy, your baby’s safety should be your top most priority. Given below are a few poses that are considered safe sex positions during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy:

  • Woman on top: Also known as the “cowgirl position”, this is one of the best sex positions during second trimester, mainly because it does not put any pressure on your belly. Moreover, you can remain in control of the depth of penetration as well as clitoral stimulation. During the later stages of pregnancy, this position may not be very feasible, as you may not be able to move easily.
  • Lying on the side: Most doctors advise women to lie down on their sides during pregnancy. While having sex too, you could either choose to spoon with your partner, where you are lying down front-to-back, or choose the front-to-front position. The biggest advantage about this position is that you are off your back. At the same time, there is no pressure on your stomach.
  • Rear entry: There are several ways in which you can explore this lovemaking pose, making it a favorite with most men. One of the ways is that you could kneel down on all fours, while your partner kneels or stands behind you. Alternately, you could kneel down with your head and arms on the mattress, while your partner is positioned behind you. You could also try this pose in a way that your partner sits on a chair and you sit on his lap, facing away from him. However, make sure that you do not confuse the rear entry pose with anal sex, which should be strictly avoided during pregnancy.
  • Missionary on the edge: During pregnancy, the man-on-top position is regarded as a strict no-no, because of the amount of weight it puts on a woman’s stomach. In a variation to the missionary position, you can lie down with your bottom at the edge of the bed and your feet on the floor, while your partner either kneels or stands in front of you. For additional comfort, prop a few pillows under your back. However, avoid this position if your doctor has advised you to stay off your back during pregnancy.

Many couples ask their doctors if it is safe to have oral sex during pregnancy. While oral sex during pregnancy is fairly safe, you need to be very cautious. Do ensure that your partner does not blow air into the vagina, because in some (rare) cases, a sudden flow of air can cause blockage in the blood vessel. This could lead to life-threatening complications for your baby and you.

Do bear in mind that the "safe sex positions" mentioned above are only safe as long as you have your doctor’s approval for resuming your sexual activities. During pregnancy, if you feel any kind of pain or physical discomfort while having sex, stop the act and consult your doctor as soon as you can. In case you notice anything unusual like severe pain in the abdomen, vaginal discharge or bleeding after having sex, you need to speak to your doctor about it right away.

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