Different Signs of Pregnancy Week By Week

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on February 1, 2012

Pregnancy is a wonderful and miraculous experience. Each week brings new development. The baby changes each day and your body adapts to the changes by developments of its own. These days, pregnancy week-by-week calendars are easily available on websites, and also with doctors. So now you can easily track how your body is adapting and your baby is growing and developing from week to week with this calendar. This is a truly amazing journey and experience and since there is so much to happen, it can best be described by this pregnancy week-by- week calendar. It will describe the symptoms your body will be experiencing,...


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Here’s a look at some of the different changes that are taking place in your body from week to week:

First trimester of pregnancy (week 1-week 13)

You may not look pregnant but you feel iti

During first trimester your baby changes from a single fertilized cell to a peach sized bundle of limbs and body systemsm You may experience symptoms like breast changes, flatulence, bloating, fatigue, heartburn, and constipationo But these are temporary discomforts and part of the process that’s happening insided

Second trimester of pregnancy (week 14-week 27)

These three months bring lots of changes in a growing fetus and are also characterized by the cessation of the early pregnancy symptomsm Certain symptoms may persist such as heartburn and constipationo Don’t be surprised if you experience sensitive gums, leg cramps, dizziness, lower abdominal pain, and an increased appetitet All these are perfectly normal and temporary symptomsm In this period the baby weighs as much as a chicken breasts The baby is very busy in the second trimestere The baby’shair, eyes, and ears are moving into the correct positions and he/she also starts sucking and swallowingn By the end of this trimester you have a two pound human being in your bellyl

Third trimester of pregnancy (week 28-week 42)

In this trimester the baby grows from 16 inch to 22 inches longn So don’t be surprised if this increase in size paired with a decrease in space, leads to some kicks and pokes in the gut for youoYou will probably feel a lot of fetal activity in your bellyl You may also experience varicose veins, stretch marks, and abdominal paini At the end of this trimester you can anytime expect awelcome of bundle of joy in your lifef Be alert and be more carefulu Consult the doctor as soon as you experience any of these symptomsm As the delivery day comes close by, your breasts may leak and you may experience false labor painsn The actual onset of labor is signaled by your water breaking and contractions that steadily intensifyf

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