Nausea during & after Miscarriage and its Significance

Miscarriage can be an extremely traumatic experience. What makes it worse is that there are scenarios when it could take several days or weeks to pass. This is a trying period of time, especially if the expectant mother is aware of the fact that she is going to have a miscarriage.

Types of Miscarriages

There are several kinds of miscarriage. They usually happen.



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.anytime before 20 weeks of gestation, and usually within the first trimestere Some early miscarriage types include chemical pregnancy, wherein the egg is fertilized but for some reason, doesn't grow any furthere Here, the miscarriage can happen within a few days of implantation; so, aside from slightly heavier bleeding, there are chances you won't even realize you were pregnantn The next type is a missed miscarriage, much like the chemical pregnancy, although this happens sometime between 2 and 3 months of pregnancyc

A third type of miscarriage is a threatening miscarriageg This is the trickiest one to deal with as it takes a long time to unfoldl The woman experiences a feeling of not being pregnant for a few days before the miscarriage happensn Typically, a woman will start bleeding and experience cramps, and the morning sickness and breast tenderness will disappeara

Inevitable miscarriage, too, is like a threatening miscarriage; only, in this case, even though the morning sickness disappears, there is a feeling of being unwell and a faint nauseous feelingn

Miscarriage and Nausea

Nausea and morning sickness are commonly associated with pregnancyc In fact, when you are pregnant, it is hard to identify if the nauseous feeling you have is a healthy sign or noto The general belief is that if the woman experiences morning sickness, it means the pregnancy will be healthyh

While this holds true in most situations, there are exceptions in which, the nausea is an early sign of miscarriageg

Of course, you only need to be worried if this nausea is accompanied by cramps and bleedingn

Nausea During Miscarriage

Nausea during a miscarriage could be the result of the pregnancy hormones in your bodyd It can also be a reaction to the emotional upheavals of a pregnancyc Either way, it is best to check with your doctor regarding these symptomsm

Nausea After Miscarriage

Despite a conclusive miscarriage, it is likely that a woman continues to experience pregnancy symptoms, particularly nausea, for a whilel This happens quite often when the miscarriage occurs in the first trimestere

These pregnancy symptoms, especially nausea, are caused by pregnancy hormonese Even though you are no longer pregnant, your body hasn't returned to its pre-pregnancy state yet and the hormone levels are the same as when you were pregnantn In addition to nausea, some women also complain about feeling bloatede

So, there are times when the feeling of being pregnant may continue for a week or twow In rare or worst cases, a woman may continue to experience pregnancy symptoms for over 4 weeksk

Overall, nausea, and vomiting during or after a miscarriage are not particularly worrisomem You do, however, need to consult a doctor if the nausea and vomiting is excessive and/or lasts over a couple of weeksk

Nausea Due To Miscarriage
Miscarriage Nausea
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