All You Need to Know About a Miscarriage Before or After 3 Months

A miscarriage is the term used to denote a pregnancy that ends in loss of the baby prior to 24 weeks of the gestation period. Following 24 weeks, if the baby is not able to survive, it is termed as a stillbirth.

Most miscarriages take place within the first 3 months of pregnancy.

Miscarriage Before 3 Months

Miscarriage before 3 months is known as first trimester miscarriage.


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These are more common and result in symptoms such as vaginal bleeding. Pelvic cramping, pain in the lower abdomen and back, brownish vaginal discharge and passage of tissue from the vagina may also occur. There is also reduction in the symptoms of early pregnancy such as nausea and tenderness of the breasts. The factors which place a woman at risk for a first trimester miscarriage are drug abuse, hormonal imbalance, complications of the immune system, infection and abnormalities of the uterus. Prior to 3 months miscarriage is most likely to take place due to genetic or chromosomal abnormalities. Repeated miscarriages also hamper the woman's ability to carry the baby to term. Intake of pain relievers may also elevate the risk of miscarriage.

Miscarriage After 3 Months

Miscarriage after 3 months is known as second trimester miscarriage. The symptoms are usually the same as a first trimester miscarriage such as cramping, passage of clots and vaginal bleeding. In rare cases, the bleeding may continue internally and cause pain in the area of the shoulder. Bloating of the stomach may also occur in some cases.

Miscarriage that occurs late may be caused due to an incompetent cervix. This is characterized by a softening of the cervix. As a result the cervix dilates and is unable to hold in the baby any longer. If the dilation continues, the baby will pass through the cervix, resulting in miscarriage. Another common cause of second trimester miscarriage is chromosomal defects, which develop in the first trimester. If these defects go undetected, miscarriage can occur. In some cases, the fetus may have already aborted on its own during the first trimester but may have gone undetected during screening. Other causes behind second trimester miscarriages are severe abdominal trauma, infections occurring in the pelvis or other parts of the body, placental abruption, placenta previa, thrombophilia disorders and heart defects in the fetus. It is possible for women who experience second trimester pregnancies, to carry the baby to term in subsequent pregnancies. Close monitoring by the doctor is required in these cases so that potential complications may be averted and the pregnancy may continue in a healthy manner.

Miscarriage After 3 Months
Miscarriage 3 Months
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