Reasons for Miscarriage at 12 Weeks and Ways to Avoid Them.

Miscarriage at 12 weeks is the loss of a developing fetus in first trimester of pregnancy. At this stage, the fetus is extremely feeble, barely two inches long and is definitely incapable of surviving outside the safe confines of the mother's womb.

This phase in a woman's life is extremely grueling and the mother is usually left feeling guilty and confused.

Miscarriage at 12 Weeks Reasons


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Miscarriage at 12 Weeks Reasons

A miscarriage at 12 weeks is generally the result of a genetic deformity in the developing baby, usually caused by an inappropriate balance of chromosomes.

The human body has the innate ability to distinguish between a healthy baby and a baby that has defects or is showing an abnormal growth pattern. In such cases, nature takes over and the body expels the underdeveloped baby on its own. In some cases, the embryo is unsuccessful in attaching itself to the uterine wall and is expelled by the body. Advanced maternal age, especially over the age of 35, increases the risk of miscarriage at 12 weeks. Obesity is another condition that can affect the smooth progress of a pregnancy. A small gap between pregnancies and multiple gestations also increases miscarriage risk at 12 weeks.

Miscarriage at 12 Weeks Conditions

If the expectant mother is suffering from conditions like diabetes and preeclampsia, the chance of miscarriage at 12 weeks increases. In diabetes, the mother's blood sugar levels increase and in preeclampsia, the mother's blood pressure levels rise and traces of protein are found in the urine.

Both these conditions are detrimental to the normal development of a baby within the womb and pose a threat to the wellbeing of the mother as well. Autoimmune diseases, hypothyroidism, ovarian cysts and hormonal imbalances also affect the baby developing in the mother's womb.

At times, the expectant mother may have a malformed uterus that does not expand to accommodate the growing baby. In addition, fibroids and scars from previous surgeries may also cause problems during a pregnancy, thus resulting in spontaneous termination of the pregnancy. Irregular meal times, unhealthy eating habits and irregular bowel movements could also affect the health of the growing baby. Physical trauma, overexertion, stress and emotional strain are other factors that can increase the risk of miscarriages at 12 weeks of gestation.

Avoid Miscarriage at 12 Weeks

A healthy diet with a proper balance of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber can decrease the risk of a miscarriage. Adequate rest and light exercise like walking and deep breathing improves the health of the mother who in turn passes on the benefits to her developing baby. However, in some cases, miscarriage is inevitable.

Miscarriage After 12 Weeks
Miscarriage at 12 Weeks
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