When does pregnancy nausea start?

(June 26, 2010)

Nausea During Pregnancy

Nausea during pregnancy is also called morning sickness and this is a very common pregnancy symptom. A large percentage of pregnant women suffer from morning sickness. Nausea can happen at any time of the day and can be constant or present for a certain number of hours every morning. Nausea can also occur occasionally. Also, the degree of sickness can vary and you can feel very nauseated or just a bit woozy.

One of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy is nausea. Even though tenderness of the breasts is one of the first noticeable signs of pregnancy, nausea can quickly follow. Nausea can occur even in the second week of your pregnancy, though in most cases nausea does not start until the fourth or sixth week of pregnancy. This is generally between the fifth and the seventh week after the completion of the last menstrual period. Nausea can also subside between the 12 and 14th week of pregnancy. Some of the other symptoms of pregnancy include constipation, food cravings, an enhanced sense of smell, head aches, frequent urination, darkening of the areolas, excessive salivation, back aches, breast swelling, and breast tenderness.
Scientists and medical specialists aren’t sure about the exact reason of pregnancy nausea. It could be because of the quickly changing levels of hormones in the body. In addition to this, the enhanced sense of smell as well as an excess of stomach acids can aggravate nausea. Some doctors believe that women experience nausea during pregnancy because of an accumulation of hCG.

Methods to relieve morning sickness during pregnancy:

•    It is advisable to take your prenatal vitamins late in the day.
•    You may want to take vitamin B6 everyday. Studies have shown that this can prevent nausea. You may also check with your health care provider about vitamin B6 induced therapeutic products.
•    Ginger is also supposed to relieve nausea symptoms. You can chew on raw ginger or take ginger capsules thrice a day.
•    It is advisable to avoid warm places because heat can increase feelings of nausea.
•    You must also be well-rested throughout the day because tiredness can increase nausea. Try to sleep well at night and when you get out of the bed in the morning, make sure that you do so slowly.
•    You may also want to eat dry cereal or plain crackers before you get out of the bed in the morning.
•    When you are cooking, keep the exhaust fans on and the windows open, so that the cooking smells can go out. You may also like to use a microwave to cook your meals.

Submitted by P T on June 26, 2010 at 04:04

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