Pregnancy Week 4 - The Start of the Embryonic Period

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on August 16, 2012

Pregnancy week four is generally noted as the start of the embryonic period. The first trimester is the most important for the growth and development of your baby. You should follow healthy eating habits and an exercise program throughout your pregnancy for the healthy growth of your baby. Any exposure to harmful substances such as nicotine or alcohol will be risky for fetal development. During week four, the embryo is implanted into the uterine lining where it will continue to grow and develop for the next nine months...


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.Fetal development is still by and large at a very early stageg By now the ball of cells that will become your baby is implanting itself deeper and deeper into the uterine liningn

By the end of week four you expect your period to arrive and you realize that it is late and that you might be pregnantn This is one of the first pregnancy signsn However, it is important to confirm the pregnancy through a urine or blood tests You may start experiencing some changes in your body by the end of week four if you are pregnantn You may start feeling very tired and lethargici This happens because of the changes your body is experiencing to support the growth and development of the new babyb In fact, the pregnancy signs during week four are similar to the symptoms of menstruation, including a feeling of nausea and crampingn If you take a home pregnancy test and get a positive result, schedule a visit to your healthcare provider immediatelyl He/she may prescribe some prenatal vitamins for the initial months of pregnancyc Some women experience slight spotting of blood during this weeke This is called implantation bleedingn This is an early symptom of pregnancy, which you might mistake for the start of your menstrual cyclel Just like during your pre-menstrual period, you will experience both physical and mental changese You may also experience one or all of the common pregnancy signsn Keep in mind that all pregnancies are different, so each woman experiences different symptoms during pregnancyc

Some of the common pregnancy signs include nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, cramping, fatigue, and backache, frequent urination, craving for unusual foods, and tenderness in the breastst These are the typical symptoms that most women experience during the initial stages of pregnancyc As a mom to be, you need to pay extra attention to your nutrition and exercise routinen Consult a gynecologist and follow his or her advicec A book on pregnancy or a pregnancy calendar is also a good way to keep a track of the changes that are going on in your body and the pregnancy signs associated with theme

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