Why am I bleeding at 14 weeks pregnant?

(April 5, 2011)

Any form of bleeding during a pregnancy is not a good sign. There are many reasons why a woman may begin bleeding during a pregnancy, the most common of them being the probable occurrence of a miscarriage. During the initial stages, a pregnancy is extremely fragile and women should take extreme caution about all the physical activity they undertake, that could pose a threat to the progress of the pregnancy. When you are 14 weeks pregnant, your baby’s body has formed and is now developing as time passes by. By the 14th week, the heart is functioning to capacity and the baby’s limbs are developing from the buds that are present in the fetal stages.

When a woman begins bleeding at 14 weeks pregnant, there is the natural tendency to panic, for fear of losing the child that she carries in the womb. It is important that the expectant mother remains calm and lies down immediately to avoid any further complication to the already threatened pregnancy. “Why am I bleeding at 14 weeks?” is one of the first questions that will pass through an expectant mother’s mind, when she experiences bleeding at this stage of the pregnancy. There are chances that the pregnancy has been threatened by some activity that has placed unwanted pressure on the fetus, causing the pregnancy to be affected. Although women may experience light bleeding at 14 weeks pregnant, it is to be treated with the same amount of cautions, so as to eliminate any risk that threatens the baby, no matter how small. An experience of heavy bleeding at 14 weeks pregnant would definitely cause a lot of anxiety and it is necessary that you report the bleeding to your doctor as soon as possible.

Vaginal bleeding during a pregnancy is an indication that there is some complication with the pregnancy and that great caution should be exercised. Expectant mothers should get as much rest as possible when the pregnancy has been threatened, giving it time to strengthen and progress. Consuming the correct foods and getting enough rest are of special importance when you have experienced bleeding during the pregnancy. If there is no sign of the bleeding coming to a halt, your gynecologist may advise an ultrasound check to be carried out, to assess the damage to the fetus. Once the ultrasound reports are obtained, the doctor will be in a better position to advise you on what is the next step to be taken.

Submitted by N on April 5, 2011 at 06:22

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