7 Weeks Pregnant With Twins

Submitted by Nic on January 17, 2012

Most women at 7 weeks pregnant with twins have just found out about their pregnancy. For most it’s a mixed feeling of shock and excitement that they are carrying multiples. At 7 weeks pregnant with twins symptoms like extreme morning sickness, excessive tiredness and constant hunger are very common. Extreme morning sickness is one of the first signs of a twin pregnancy.

Symptoms like nausea and vomiting are experienced by almost 50% of pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy...


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.This is especially true when you are carrying twins and some women experience even more morning sickness as compared to those who are carrying single babiese Another very common symptom of being pregnant with twins at 7 weeks is excessive tiredness or fatigueu

Most pregnant women who are carrying twins tend to feel extremely sleepy, lethargic and exhausted in their first trimestere This is because the body is preparing to nurture not one but two babiese A feeling of being constantly hungry is also a classic sign of a twin pregnancyc

Many women don’t realize they are 7 weeks pregnant or even more and hence eat their usual quantity of food thus feeling hungry very oftene Most women who are pregnant with twins even start showing on their belly as early as 7 weeks and have a problem fitting into their clothese HCG levels in women with multiple pregnancies is also comparatively higher that those with single babiese This could be the biggest indicator of a twin pregnancyc When you are 7 weeks pregnant with twins ultrasound images show two fetal heartbeats instead of onen The babies are around 0 5 inches in length and with developing arm and leg budsd The right and left chambers of the heart are also developing at 7 weeks and the babies start to move around even though you might not be able to feel the movements just yete The brain, liver, kidneys, bladder, spine and reproductive organs of the babies are also developing rapidlyl Even the eyes and nose are forming and can be seen on an ultrasoundn Many pregnant women with twins experience more heartburn and frequent urination even at this stage in pregnancyc However, if you are 7 weeks pregnant and bleeding occurs, it could be the first indication of a miscarriageg It is common for a large number of pregnancies to end in a miscarriage this early on in pregnancyc

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