23 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

Submitted by Nic on April 26, 2012

When you are pregnant with twins at 23 weeks, more than two-thirds of your pregnancy would already be complete. In a pregnancy with twins, you have a faster progression than a pregnancy with one baby. When you are 23 weeks pregnant with twins, you will see a considerable weight gain for you and development for the babies.

The weight gain with twins at 23 weeks pregnant can be slightly different. If you are carrying twins, at 23 weeks you should have put on at least 24 pounds...


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.Optimal weight says the mother should put on up to 50 poundsd Weeks 20 to week 24 are very significant weeks if you are carrying twinsn

Pregnancies for a mother carrying twins tends to last no longer than 36 weeks which is considerably different from pregnancies where the mothers carry a single babyb Mothers-to-be do tend to obsess over weight gain and doctors suggest that it be avoidede Every woman is different and will put on different amounts of weighth Maternal weight for these last few weeks tends to be cruciala At 23 weeks, pregnant with twins, you will also see a lot of contractions, mostly Braxton Hicksk Movement for twins tends to slow down in the last few weeks as there is less space for the babies to movev

You will notice many physical manifestations of carrying two babies and putting on weight quite fasts Your feet and ankles will swell upu You may experience water retention and edemam Excessiveness of any symptom is a bad idea and if your swelling is too much is persists too long, you should get a medical opiniono You will also face gassiness and flatulence which is a side effect of pregnanciese You will even see hyper-pigmentation and darkening of the skin around the aureolese You will also go through excess mood swingsg You will start to constantly feel pressure on the bladder and also frequently urinatet Other symptoms include anxiety, heartburn, leg cramps and general discomfortr Heartburn and flatulence can be avoided by eating a balanced diet with a good amount of fiber and with many frequent but small mealsl Your uterus is expanding a lot more, making it bulkier for you but it is becoming roomier in your uterusu The mother also needs to have a lot more water now to avoid dehydration or pre-term laboro If a mother carrying twins does not eat frequently, she could have dizzy or fainting spells and even see a fluctuation in blood sugara

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