Twin Pregnancy Tips Week By Week

Submitted by Nick on January 18, 2012

A twin pregnancy is likely to increase the strain on your body. Therefore it is imperative to stay healthy throughout the course of the pregnancy so that you can give birth to healthy twins. You need to be aware of what foods to eat, how much to eat and what to expect. The risks are slightly higher in twin and multiple pregnancies and therefore you must also exercise greater caution. A healthy pregnancy will ensure better health for you and your babies. Here are some twin pregnancy week by week tips to help you through your pregnancy.


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At 10 weeks pregnant, you will most likely be aware that you carrying twins. By this time you may also be able to hear the heart beats of both babies. Doctor’s visits must continue throughout the entire pregnancy.

It is important to find proper care for you and your babies. One of the most essential twin pregnancy suggestions is to find a doctor who especially handles twin pregnancies or has a great deal of experience in twin pregnancies. Mothers who have experienced complications in pregnancy before must be all the more careful to seek only the best care. Once you select your doctor, be sure to follow all the instructions. Advice given by the doctor regarding diet or rest must be taken seriously. Good nutrition ensures that the babies stay healthy and development occurs properly. Women expecting twins need to consume more calories than women expecting single babies. But it is also necessary to monitor your weight gain as gaining too much can add stress to your body. Ensure that you are receiving adequate nutrients. You will also need to take prenatal vitamins which your doctor will prescribe. Many women find that eating smaller meals after every 2 to 3 hours is more comfortable and also keeps blood sugar levels normal. Dehydration can lead to problems in pregnancy and hence drinking plenty of water is a must. Most doctors recommend that up to 15 to 16 glasses of water should be consumed daily.

There is a small margin of risk in all pregnancies. The risk is even higher in case of twin pregnancies. Understanding and being aware of the signs and symptoms of pregnancy complications is necessary for all pregnant mothers. In a twin pregnancy the weeks leading up to the second trimester are especially crucial as the risk of miscarriage is higher during this time.

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